‘Below Deck Mediterranean’: June June Fired — But Will Colin Leave Instead?

In an episode that found a cameraman drenched in a guest’s vomit, Travis (rightfully) confronted about his alcohol consumption after giving Anastasia a strong “lovetap” to the face, and Jack getting his first-ever compliment from Joao, Below Deck Mediterranean really got dramatic and emotional when an adjustment in employment was made, sending the crew into chaos.

Anastasia bravely admitted to both Hannah and then Captain Sandy that she was all aboard the struggle bus, and while fighting tears, said, “I’m really not okay,” due to the new and very high levels of anxiety she was experiencing as chef. She told Captain Sandy she was bringing this up now so that, “If I have a mental breakdown in the galley, you know why.” Even Joao was suspecting that the group’s less than stellar tip from the last charter was due to the food and their unhappiness with its temperature.

So Captain Sandy texts the Backup chEf aNd once he touches down, she has to let June go. Unfortunately, this is just as June is starting to leave her radio earpiece in, and figuring out how to tell time, and working the juicer, but Anastasia will be moving back into the third stew position, telling the girls she’s never been happier to clean a toilet again.

When Captain Sandy breaks the news, June is bewildered, and it took her a second to compute what was happening, but she says what she’s thinking, forcing a fake smile and telling Sandy, “That’s crazy, that’s not nice.” While Sandy, Hannah, and many others reassure her that it’s not personal, June still claims the move is “wrong.” She’s understandably upset that no one told her this could even potentially happen, and goes as far to say, “Hannah doesn’t give a rat’s fat ass about anybody’s feelings, only herself.” Ouch. But it’s hard not to feel bad for her in this moment — she was blindsided and kinda fucked over, even if this seems to be typical yacht behavior.

Word of June being let go sends shock waves throughout the crew, with Colin getting emotional and telling Joao and Jack that June’s a yachtie and she should be there. He takes a minute to wipe down the yacht while he thinks about it and sniffles, and ultimately calls Captain Sandy on the radio to share his decision. Joao’s in tears, everyone is commenting on how nice and kind he is, and the episode ends with him marching up to the bridge to sacrifice his own position on the boat. Aw, Colly Wolly!

It’s a crappy way for June to leave, yes. But Colin should not be the one to go. That he would even be noble enough to offer her his spot is proof that he belongs there as the sweet, sweet voice of reason he continuously proves to be. He’s a hard worker that gets along with literally everyone on the boat and he knows how to answer his radio. It’s not personal that June has to go, but it is personal that Colin has to stay.

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Monday at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo. 

Where to stream Below Deck Mediterranean