The Squad Sings to Donald Trump in ‘The Simpsons’ Clip: “It’s Time to Impeach You Fast”

The Simpsons may be off for the summer, but that’s not stopping its animators from taking shots at President Trump. This week, Fox released a standalone clip titled “West Wing Story,” which features a Simpsons-ized Trump squaring off against the “The Squad” through song. As the animated president attempts to defend his actions — to the tune of Stephen Sondheim and Leonard Bernstein’s “America” — the four Democrat congresswomen clap back with lines like, “Your nose is right up Putin’s ass. We say it’s time to impeach you fast.” It’s not exactly the most biting political commentary ever produced, but while The Simpsons is on hiatus, we’ll take what we can get.

“West Wing Story” begins with Trump searching for “a distraction” from all his problems — you know, trade wars, white nationalist terrorism, pesky things like that. When he sees a picture of “The Squad” (Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley, all women of color) a solution comes to him. “They shouldn’t be in America. No one but me in America,” he sings.

Suddenly, the women in the photo come to life, and they chase him through the White House as they sing back. “We’re more American than your wife,” sings Omar. “Your love life makes us heave,” says Ocasio-Cortez, to which Trump responds, “You two will never see Tel Aviv” (timely). After some more back-and-forth, the women join together. “You’re Boris Johnson without the class. Can’t wait to see you behind the glass,” they sing. “Your nose is right up Putin’s ass. We say it’s time to impeach you fast.”

Trump attempts to escape the White House, but once outside, he finds himself trapped by a can-can line of 2020 Democratic candidates. He struggles to keep up with their rapid pace, and finally, he falls forward onto the lawn. “Ha ha ha ha! Who’s an old man now?” asks Joe Biden, putting a cap on the clip.

Watch The Simpsons‘ “West Wing Story” clip above. The Simpsons returns with new episodes Sunday, September 29 on Fox.

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