Terrence Howard Says He’s “Opened the Flower of Life” to Discover 10,000 Year Old Secrets in Bonkers Emmys Interview

Terrence Howard claims he’s quitting acting after the Empire series finale, but maybe he should reconsider. At the 2019 Emmys, Howard attempted to explain his decision in a bonkers red carpet interview with Los Angeles station KTLA, and it was anything but cogent. The Empire star said that he was “able to open up the flower of life properly” to discover 10,000 year-old secrets that even “Pythagoras was searching for,” so he’s leaving acting to bring those theories to the public. “Why would I continue, you know, walking on water for tips when I’ve got an entire generation to teach a whole new world to?” said Howard.

Howard’s Emmys red carpet interview began innocently enough. “You made huge headlines when you said, after you complete these 15 episodes of Empire, you’re going to walk away,” said a KTLA reporter. “For a while or forever?” Howard explained that “everyone keeps trying to tell” him to keep his retirement temporary, but he plans to ignore them. That was the last normal thing that came out of his mouth.

“I’ve spent 37 years pretending to be people so that people can pretend to watch and enjoy what I’m doing when I’ve actually made some discoveries in my own personal life with science that Pythagoras was searching for,” said Howard, veering the interview off-the-rails. “I was able to open up the flower of life properly and find the real wave conjugations that we’ve been looking for for 10,000 years. Why would I continue, you know, walking on water for tips when I’ve got an entire generation to teach a whole new world to?”

KTLA’s reporters were stunned. “That’s a big remark. What do you intend to do?” the male correspondent asked. Unfortunately, he didn’t get a clearer answer.

“Let me put it this way,” replied Howard. “All energy in the universe is expressed in motion. All motion is expressed in waves. All waves are curved. So where do the straight lines come from to make the platonic solids? There are no straight lines. So, when I took the flower of life and opened it properly, I found all new wave conjugations that exposed the in-between spaces that’s — it’s the thing that holds us all together.”

The Empire star added that he’ll be “sharing” his theory Tuesday, when he receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “I’m going to be able to prove that gravity is only an effect and not a force,” he said. “I’m putting something on YouTube where I will build the planet Saturn without gravity and build the Milky Way galaxy without gravity.”

Howard described the entire situation as “interesting,” as he’s getting a star despite “never [having] received an Emmy nomination for TV.” Added the actor, “I would think an Emmy nomination would come first.” Maybe he can spin his Galaxy Brain theory into a Bill Nye the Science Guy-esque TV show?

Watch Terrence Howard’s off-the-rails Emmys red carpet interview in the clip above.