Photographers Defend ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Wedding Shoot After Online Blow-Up

“Gilead” isn’t generally considered a great wedding theme, but one Canadian couple felt differently. Yesterday, Ontario wedding photographers Van Daele & Russell shared a photo from a Handmaid’s Tale-inspired wedding shoot, and it didn’t take long for the photo to make the rounds on social media. The image has been widely mocked, but Van Daele & Russell told Decider that stirring up controversy was “sort of the point.” Said the photographers, “Hopefully it will wake people up to how they too contribute to the oppression and hatred that they’re rightfully worked up over.”

In the original photo, posted Wednesday, the photographers write that the bride and groom are huge fans of The Handmaid’s Tale, “most of” which is filmed in Cambridge, Ontario. In the image, the couple stands in front of the show’s “hanging wall” — where alleged “gender traitors” or those who commit treason are hanged for all to see — as red cloak-wearing Handmaids pose around them. “As fans of the show, it only seemed fitting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T’s wedding photos along the ‘hanging wall’ in Mill Race Park!” the caption reads.

As of Thursday afternoon, the image has been shared over 700 times and collected over 1,000 comments. Many commenters have slammed the image as “incredibly dense” and “missing the point” of Margaret Atwood’s novel and the Hulu series. “Wow, this is deeply disturbing. ‘Praise be’? Seriously? I love the show, but this photo is truly puke-worthy,” wrote one commenter. “This is the opposite of cute,” added another.

In a Facebook message, Van Daele & Russell told Decider that the shoot was a “very spur of the moment decision — the couple as well as ourselves are HUGE fans of the TV show (and obviously, first, the book).” The photographers continued, “The groom wanted photos on the ‘hanging wall’ which is where we were taking their wedding photos; I joked about adding in some handmaids (since it seemed the natural thing to do since we were there…I’m certain any ‘creative’ or photographer would have the exact same thoughts).” They went on to say that they knew “when creating the image that it would possibly upset people, but that’s sort of the point…to WAKE PEOPLE UP.”

“We didn’t expect the photo to go viral, but we are SOOO HAPPY IT HAS because hopefully it will wake people up to how they too contribute to the oppression and hatred that they’re rightfully worked up over,” continued Van Daele & Russell.

The photographers have also replied to each commenter with a similar response. “We actually totally agree! Mission: accomplished!” the bulk of the comments read (the statement was also provided to Decider in full; we have condensed it for clarity). “Everyone is talking about this issue now, rather than binging on a television series and then not doing ANYTHING about what they’re SO worked up over until the next season comes out in the spring. What’s sad is that the oppression and hatred, the division, fear and breakdown of HUMANITY & COMPASSION is being perpetuated in every one of these comments.”

“Take a step back and consider you may not actually know the facts, either — that this image was CREATED and put out by a pair of ‘Gender Traitors’ who are no strangers to many of the subplots of oppression, violence, and inequality that run through Margaret’s brilliant work,” they continue. “What’s sad is that everyone is REACTING exactly as expected — just like in Gilead — and missing the opportunity to think for themselves, to educate themselves and become ENGAGED ACTIVISTS instead of simply keyboard warriors.”

“WHY exactly are you offended? Have you asked yourself? And what are you actively doing about it IN THE REAL WORLD? We’re thrilled that this is starting a conversation! THANK YOU for being moved by an issue that deserves much, much more attention. And don’t forget — if this had been a happy couple surrounded by superheroes like Batman and Superman, you wouldn’t have even stopped scrolling to comment. June — along with every fighting Handmaid or human in the midst of struggle and oppression — is the ultimate superhero.”

Watch The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu