Meghan McCain’s Rage Explodes on “Feckless, Unpatriotic” Republicans: “I Have Been Furious All Morning”

Meghan McCain is going “rogue.” This morning on The View, the conservative firebrand interrupted a Hot Topics discussion about the whistleblower to lay into President Trump for pulling U.S. troops out of Syria. McCain slammed Trump for “abandoning our Kurdish allies” in Syria, and she blasted Republicans for supporting Trump while also criticizing President Obama for pulling out of Iraq. “You feckless, unpatriotic cowards,” yelled McCain, her voice shaking. “I cannot believe this is where we’re at.”

The conservative co-host didn’t wait long before expressing her frustration. Things got off to an uncomfortable start during their first Hot Topic discussion, when McCain attempted to get in a final word before Whoopi Goldberg could throw the show to commercial. “I see your prompter read, Whoopi, that you’re going to talk to me when we come back, but I actually have something else to say,” she said. “I have been furious all morning.” Added McCain sarcastically, “But we have to go to a commercial break. Because as usual, we never have time to talk about anything.” Joy Behar noted that McCain’s angry monologue was a “good promo,” and you know what? She was right.

After the commercial, McCain better directed her anger. “I’m going a little bit rogue,” said the co-host. “But I’ve been so mad this morning, and so upset about this news that we are abandoning our Kurdish allies in the Middle East.” McCain insisted that the Trump administration’s decision to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq sends a horrible message to the Kurds, “who fought for America.”

“To everyone in the White House, and to every Republican who was mad that President Obama pulled out of Iraq — you feckless, unpatriotic, cowards,” continued McCain, her voice rising rapidly. “I cannot believe this is where we’re at diplomatic-wise. What message is this sending to our allies who have fought alongside us, and to our American troops who have fought and died for this?” Added McCain, “I cannot believe I’m waking up in the morning seeing this kind of news … We leave this, this is a great day for ISIS, and this is a great day for [Syrian president] Assad. Shame on everyone who is supporting this.”

The panel then began asking whether Trump’s decision is “a wag the dog situation” and if the administration is using it to distract from the whistleblower situation. “You know he’s never been — he can say it all he wants to, but we’ve watched. You know when people are supporting the troops,” said Goldberg. “This guy has not been doing that.” McCain insisted that “the vacuum that’s going to be left is going to foster the growth of ISIS” and again slammed the Republican party. “If you support people who believe in freedom and democracy and are fighting on the right side, and you still support this at the same time, then you’re not a conservative,” she ripped. “And you’re not an America-first individual.”

Watch Meghan McCain tear into the Republican party in the clip above.

Where to stream The View