Bill Maher Lands Howard Stern For ‘Real Time’ Interview: “Don’t Go For All The Bulls**t on the Far-Left”

Famous talk show host Howard Stern, who rarely agrees to appear on other talk shows, made an appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday night for a one-on-one interview where politics were shied away from, however, after introducing “the King of All Media,” Maher compared their liberal beliefs, claiming that they both “don’t go for all the bullsh*t on the far-left.”

Maher spoke of his rivalry with Stern which was tense for a number of years, as both broadcast veterans noted once the interview was underway. Stern spoke about his years of therapy and how therapy has helped him get past the envy-driven animus he had toward his competitors.

At Jerry Seinfeld’s birthday party in April, Stern finally told Maher that he would visit Real Time as a guest, to which the HBO host was surprised. “You’re a man of your word,” Maher told Stern on Friday night.

Stern once worked with Maher’s father in radio, and each are native New Yorkers born around the same time. The two hosts had a few standoffs during their conversation — Stern heckling bachelor Maher about his disinterest in committed relationships and Maher badgering Stern about his open-ended devotion to psychotherapy, neither of which was malicious.

In fact, both talk show hosts were fairly complimentary towards each other. Stern insisted that Maher should absolutely win an Emmy for his work on Real Time (he did win one as an Executive Producer of Vice) as he reflected on Maher’s “amazing” appearance on Stern’s own show. “I thought you were amazing,” said the aging yet kempt Stern, “you really were.” Maher asked Stern about his talented interviewing skills and then praised Stern’s new book, Come Again. “It’s terrific,” he said.

As the two hosts came together in perfect harmony, throwing around accolades towards each other, Maher finally noted that the two have similar political views. “That’s why you and I are the last sane people,” Maher told Stern, “because we’re liberals but we don’t go for all the bullsh*t on the far-left.”

You can check out Maher’s interview with Stern from last night’s episode via the clip above and catch new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher on Fridays at 10PM EST on HBO Now.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor