Alyssa Milano Explains Why She Didn’t Name the “Very Visible” Actor Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Her

Alyssa Milano is ready to share her Hollywood #MeToo story. In a new episode of her Sorry Not Sorry podcast, Milano revealed for the first time that she was sexually assaulted on a movie set “almost 25 years” ago. The actress declined to name her “very visible” alleged accuser or the film, and on Wednesday, she explained that decision to the women of The View. “I was so close to saying his name,” Milano told the panel, adding that like many women who have come forward with stories of abuse, she was “so scared” of a potential backlash. “I wasn’t ready to accuse him and have that blow up. It just became so overwhelming,” she said.

On Monday, Milano released a new podcast episode tied to the second anniversary of the #MeToo movement, and in the final minutes, she made a brave admission. “I want to use this anniversary to tell you my Hollywood #MeToo story,” said the actress. “I’ve shared my other #MeToo story, but I have never shared this story publicly before. It’s been almost 25 years, but it’s still really hard to talk about.”

Milano explained that in her 20s, she took on more adult roles in an attempt to move past her Who’s the Boss? child fame. Often, these films “had love scenes and sex scenes in them, and one of these movies had a sex scene between me and a man who was 17 years older than me,” she explained. “Professionals learn to manage this appropriately, without pushing boundaries or breaking consent, and with a degree of trust that is oh so very important. Predators cannot. This man was not a professional. He took advantage of a moment of complete vulnerability, of literal exposure, to put his hand under my underwear and try to force his fingers inside of me.”

“He violated me on a set, with cameras rolling,” she continued, adding that she “ran hysterical” to her trailer. “I was crying and afraid and furious, and the director of the movie in the moment when I had just been sexually assaulted confronted me with, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know what you want me to do about it. Should I call the police?'” At the time, Milano felt that “the entire future of this movie” was on her shoulders, and she felt “trapped” and “completely alone and unsupported by the leadership of that production.” She continued, “Ultimately, I felt pressured into going back onto the set. And for another six hours, continuing to shoot the scene with the man who had just sexually assaulted me.”

Milano went on to claim that the actor who assaulted her “was in his 40s” and is “still in the business.” She explained that she “almost named him,” but decided not to. “This predator has a wife and kids, and I don’t want to victimize them more than he probably already has,” said Milano on her podcast. “I don’t want to put the very good people who were with me on that production in the spotlight, forced to speak out publicly on a matter that was so private. And frankly, I don’t want to risk my own career or my financial stability should this predator try to sue me. I don’t want to be victimized again for telling the truth about this man, who, by the way, continues to act on very visible productions.”

The actress and activist echoed that sentiment this morning on The View. Milano said that she was inspired to speak out by “the women from all over the world who come to [her] and share their stories,” and she hopes to use her platform “to show that coming to terms with this and discussing these issues of sexual assault are very hard.” Explained the star, “This was 25 years ago. So much goes into the thought of admitting this, not only to the world but to yourself. And I’ve never really been ready for that, where I’m ready to go inside my own soul and deal with my own sexual assault.”

When Co-host Abby Huntsman pressed Milano about why she chose not to name her alleged abuser, the actress was clear. “I was so close to saying his name,” she said. “In the original copy I actually said his name, but I got so scared. And I think a lot of women can relate to this, that when we confront our abusers, we don’t want to ruin their lives and their livelihoods.” Milano added that the thought of accusing a prominent actor and having “that blow up” eventually “became so overwhelming” that she chose to move forward without saying his name.

“That’s what #MeToo is all about,” concluded Milano. “You don’t have to name your accuser. You don’t have to say exactly what happened to you. You just have to stand in solidarity with other women who have faced this horrible reality.”

Watch Alyssa Milano discuss her Hollywood #MeToo story in the clip above.

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