Susan Rice Chimes In On Syria Conflict On HBO’s ‘Real Time With Bill Maher,’ Donald Trump Fires Back

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, former National Security Advisor under President Obama, Susan Rice, appeared as the top of the show guest to discuss the current state of foreign affairs, including President Donald Trump’s Syria maneuvering. Trump, who claims he doesn’t watch Maher’s show, took to Twitter to blast the former White House aide (meaning he was watching the show, which is contradictory to his former commentary).

During the episode, Rice had skewered the 45th President of the United States for his inept foreign policy moves and the long withstanding consequences of Trump’s most recent decision to pull American troops out of Syria, allowing Turkey to launch an offensive.

Rice of course also plugged her new book, stating that Trump’s polarizing presence in the American political scene has made the country more vulnerable to foreign influence.

“What Putin’s genius is, is he understands that we are so divided internally,” said Rice, who was also once U.N. Ambassador. “And I argue in my book, Tough Love, that our domestic political divisions are, in fact, our greatest national security vulnerability.”

Trump responded via Twitter while the show was on air by referring to Rice as “a disaster” under President Obama and blaming her for “millions killed.”

Rice answered POTUS on Twitter implying that Trump was being a hypocrite since the two had a brief encounter in 2015 where he claimed she was “very unfairly treated” while hugging her which she called “totally gross.”

You can check out Maher’s interview with Rice from last night’s episode via the clip above and catch new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher on Fridays at 10PM EST on HBO Now.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor