Bill Maher Slams Elizabeth Warren & Dems For Not “Getting” Binary Politics: “Commit A Crime And Your New Vagina Is Free!”

Last night on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, the controversial host, who often goes after the right, skewered the Democratic Presidential Candidates for not understanding the binary system of politics that we have in the U.S. in order to win the 2020 election and defeat Donald Trump.

During his “New Rule” segment of the show, Bill Maher shunned Elizabeth Warren’s initiative to have taxpayers fund gender reassignment surgery for convicts as there are only 473 transgender inmates in federal prison and “they can’t even vote.”

“So we’re taking this position because it makes a great campaign slogan?,” wondered the HBO host.
“Commit a crime, get a free dick,” he joked. “Commit a crime and your new vagina is free!” He also critiqued Beto O’Rourke’s plan to tax churches who don’t support gay marriage. “Stop wearing your most divisive issues on your sleeve,” concluded Maher.

Maher said that only 46% of Democrats identify as “liberal” and that American voters are simply looking for a strong candidate who is not “weird.” “The point is, instead of trying to make the people on the far left double dog like you, make some good people in the middle not hate you.”

Maher insisted that Dems apparently haven’t seen the movie An Officer And A Gentleman where a drill sergeant forces Richard Gere to admit the same truth that Democratic voters need to face.” That truth being that they have nowhere else to go. Maher then showed the famous clip from the film as the audience chuckled.

Also appearing later on the show was actor Zach Galifianakis, who spoke about social media as a detriment to our society and offering a simple solution: just put down your devices once in awhile. “This onus we put on social media and ‘being connected’ is false,” said the actor/comedian.

You can check out the clip from Maher’s show from last night’s episode via the clip above and catch new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher on Fridays at 10PM EST on HBO Now.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor