Joy Behar Urges Elizabeth Warren to Drop Out of 2020 Race: She’s “Treading Water”

We’re still a year out from the 2020 presidential election, but Joy Behar is ready to cast her ballot. On Tuesday, the longtime View co-host praised Joe Biden, saying that he’s the only candidate who can accomplish “the prize” of removing President Trump from office. This isn’t too surprising for Behar, a noted Biden fan, but she took things a step further by doubling down and insisting that the other candidates — some of whom are narrowly trailing or even beating Biden in certain polls — “are just treading water.” When pressed on the issue, the outspoken host said that Elizabeth Warren, widely considered a frontrunner, should drop out of the race. Given Warren’s surge in the polls, that makes loads of sense.

On Tuesday morning, The View‘s panel debated whether Biden needs to win the Iowa caucuses in order to win the Democratic primary. Moderator Whoopi Goldberg repeated her line about how “we’re not going to know [the frontrunner] until we know” on election day (helpful!), while Abby Huntsman said that she’s “pretty worried” about the former vice president’s chances. “What’s the backup plan for Democrats?” asked Huntsman. “There’s a real concern that Elizabeth Warren could be the nominee.”

Behar noted that Biden is “beating Trump narrowly” in some states, including Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, so that’s a good sign. “Just look at the black community,” said the longtime View co-host. “Black men in particular, and probably the women, are backing Joe Biden. And if there’s one thing the black community knows and believe in, it’s winning and beating Trump.” She added that black voters are “looking at the prize” of beating the president, particularly because “he’s killing people of color, he’s killing immigrants, he’s killing the environment, he’s killing the rule of law.”

“Who is gonna get him out?” continued Behar. “And the answer is, at the moment, Joe Biden. All the rest of these people are just really treading water, as far as I’m concerned.” The polls would suggest otherwise: according to Morning Consult/Politico‘s latest Democratic Primary poll (published Monday, November 4), Biden is in the lead with 32% of the vote, but Warren and Bernie Sanders are close behind with 20%. Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris round out the top five candidates with 7% and 5%, respectively.

Huntsman followed up, asking, “Do you think Elizabeth Warren should get out?” Behar made her point clear with a simple, “Yes.” Huntsman was visibly surprised, and she asked again if Behar thinks Warren should drop out. “I do,” replied Behar. That’s quite a hot take, but at least she stood by it.

Watch The View discuss Joe Biden’s 2020 chances in the clip above.

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