Megyn Kelly to Discuss Jeffrey Epstein, ABC News in “Exclusive” with Amy Robach Hot Mic Leaker

Three weeks after she dipped her toe into the proverbial television waters with an interview on Fox News, Megyn Kelly is returning to the spotlight for good. This morning, the former NBC host posted an Instagram video announcing that she will be releasing an “exclusive interview” with the woman who allegedly leaked Amy Robach’s hot mic clip about Jeffrey Epstein. Kelly did not specify whether she will continue conducting interviews as an independent journalist, but she did say that she’s “on [her] set,” suggesting that this is just the beginning of her comeback tour.

In a video posted Friday morning, Kelly (in full hair and makeup) introduces her new social media venture to the world. “Hey guys, it’s me Megyn Kelly. And I’m here on my set, where we just shot a really interesting interview,” she says. “Have you been following this story about the Amy Robach hot mic moment at ABC? She was caught talking about how she said she had the Epstein story three years ago, and ABC wouldn’t air it. Then she amended that to say, ‘Well, I didn’t have the corroboration,’ after ABC had publicly had to deal with this, after the hot mic moment.”

Kelly is referring to a video of anchor Amy Robach that surfaced this week, in which she claims that the network told her to shelve a story about allegations against disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. “It was unbelievable what we had. Clinton — we had everything,” said Robach in the clip. A former ABC News employee is believed to have leaked the hot mic video to right-wing activist group Project Veritas, which then widely distributed it.

“The employee who marked that clip in the system and then moved on to CBS got fired this week because they suspected she leaked this thing to this Project Veritas,” continues Kelly. “Well, we just sat down with her in an exclusive interview. We got the full story, and I think you’re going to be fascinated by it.”

The former NBC and Fox News personality added that she’s going to be posting the interview to her Instagram account and YouTube channel later today, but she did not mention a specific time. She also declined to explain what exactly this new venture is — will there be other interviews, or is this a one-off? Does she plan to take these interviews to a network, or post them exclusively on social media?

The caption on her video (as well as the fact that she has a fully functioning studio) suggests that this is not the last we’ll see of Kelly. If only.