The Right Person Did Not Win ‘The Circle’

I have mixed feelings, but I have a lot of feelings. Truthfully, I have feelings ABOUT having feelings. I didn’t expect to get this wrapped up in The Circle, but I should’ve known, once I was trapped inside there was no escaping it. I thought I had my few faves I hoped would win, and expected I’d move along with my life once the $100,000 prize winner was announced. But then, as if I were all alone in an apartment with nothing to do, I started stewing. Because the rightful winner of The Circle was robbed.


The Circle did a lot of things right when it comes to the Season 1 finale. The highlight of the entire 12 episodes for me was the dinner where the five finalists finally met and bonded IRL. Loved that. And even once those five were eliminated one at a time, they almost got the right order. Seaburn/Rebecca in fifth (come on, you were a catfish, you don’t deserve to win!), Chris in fourth, Sammie in third (though she would’ve been in my top two but it’s fine), leaving Joey and Shubham as the final two standing.

Ultimately, we know Joey won the prize, and it’s not that he wasn’t worthy. Many viewers felt he didn’t make the strongest first impression once they started watching the series, yet they later found themselves rooting for him. His good nature, compliments, mama’s boy tendencies, and authenticity made him a great player in the game.

But it was Shubham who proved to be the heart of this entire competition, and he should’ve won. He was nice, he was himself, and he had the best fun fact when he revealed he once ran for governor of California. Shubie! He also landed the coveted influencer distinction and blue checkmark a total of four times (more than any other player) throughout the game, and much of that was due to the fact that he was arguably the most loyal of the entire group. He cared about his new pals and did his best to save them when their fate was in his hands. The social media-avoider, yes, would think about making strategic plays, but more often than not, went with what his heart was telling him to do.

But perhaps his biggest influence was on the other players, who when ranking their favorites, or even when deciding who to block, would often consider his feelings and alliances. Hi, that’s probably why Rebecca lasted as long as she did, even though many in the group suspected she was a catfish. They cared more about Shubie’s feelings and kept her around. For me, Shubie was definitely the player I grew to care about the most over the course of the show, and I know I’m not alone in that.

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Shubie’s reactions were some of the best in the game, and it’s clear he was the true hub of this circle judging by the others’ reactions to meeting him in the finale. While Sammie wanted to squeeze him and his tush, Joey couldn’t wait to give him a big bear hug, and instead of Shubie and Rebecca’s encounter turning awkward it was rather heartwarming. Shubie’s single weakness or downside throughout the game was believing Rebecca as strongly as he did…but it’s also what made him so endearing.

It’s really easy to like Joey, or really any of the OGs left in the top 5 — it’s why we all sat through 12 hours of this mind-numbingly addictive show. I’m not mad at Joey winning, despite the fact that after watching such a diverse cast it’s a bit annoying to watch the straight, white dude collect the check. Let’s hope he gives some of it to Chris because seriously, his makeup was too perfect to watch him cry it off explaining the necessary items he’d spend the money on. So while Shubham didn’t capture the money, he did capture our hearts, making him the true winner of this show. Smiley face emoji, send.

Where to stream The Circle