Meghan McCain Tears Into Trump: Coronavirus “Could Be the Silver Bullet” That Takes Out His Administration

President Donald Trump may have tried to ease anxieties about coronavirus with his Wednesday night Oval Office address, but Meghan McCain isn’t buying it. This morning, The View‘s co-hosts tore into Trump’s coronavirus response, and the entire panel agreed that it was both misinformed and ineffective. McCain was particularly harsh about the “cavalier and lackadaisical” coronavirus address, which she insisted reflected Trump’s “inability to emote.” Added the conservative firebrand, “This could be the silver bullet that takes out this administration.”

On Thursday morning, The View wasted no time before ripping apart Trump’s coronavirus plan. “When this man says, ‘We’re handling it all,’ I beg to differ,” said moderator Whoopi Goldberg. “He does not inspire confidence,” added Joy Behar. “I could hear him breathing. Is there a microphone in his nostrils, do you think?”

McCain then noted that while Trump “inspires anger really well,” he has no ability to empathize. “The ‘I feel your pain, I feel your fear,’ incapable of it,” she said. “He could have been reading the phonebook last night.” McCain added that Trump’s “inability to emote with the American people about how scary this is” is a major issue that could impact the election. “It doesn’t matter, at the end of the day, how great the economy is,” she said. “At a certain point, you want your leader to reassure you. And to say that he didn’t do that for me last night is putting it very lightly.”

A few minutes later, McCain repeated her line that “the chickens have come home to roost” with Trump’s misinformation. Lying about the size of your rallies or your hand size is one thing, she said, but “it’s an entirely different thing than lying about a completely lethal disease.” Added the conservative co-host, “He and Jared and Ivanka and the entire White House should know this could be the silver bullet that takes out this administration.”

After the commercial break, the panel turned their attention to Trump’s bid for “unity” in this time of crisis. “Could he sell it less?” asked McCain, rolling her eyes. “I can show you how to give a bomb ass speech. I’m really good at it!” She then proceeded to give said bomb ass speech, putting emphasis on certain words in order to stress the point.

“Hey  Trump, try it!” she yelled. “I just don’t understand. Emote! Everyone is scared! It’s okay. To sit there like that and look so cavalier and lackadaisical — the way he is saying it, he’s not selling it. And that’s why everyone is so freaked out!”

Watch Meghan McCain tear into Trump’s coronavirus response in the clip above.

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