‘RHONY’ Newbie Leah McSweeney Is The Reason You Won’t Be Missing Bethenny

We’ve all been eagerly awaiting Season 12 of The Real Housewives of New York City, and since we’ve been stuck at home, some people were so excited they even tried to get Bravo to release it sooner (no dice on that one). But that doesn’t mean a little bit of trepidation doesn’t also hang in the air, dating back to the end of last summer when Bethenny Frankel abruptly announced she would not be returning to the show — just as cameras were starting to roll on this new season.

Sure, things might not be the same, but there’s no use wondering if the show can survive without her because it’s already done so. Bethenny was a cast member on RHONY from Season 1-3, absent for 4-6, and back for 7-11. This show doesn’t need her, but also, she doesn’t need this show. Is it better when she’s present? Almost always yes. But there’s a promising new addition to the series that won’t have you feeling any holes in the cast.

Leah McSweeney is the new Housewife introduced in tonight’s episode, and a woman you’ll likely hear referred to as a badass. She’s a mom and a businesswoman and most importantly, a lady unafraid to jump into this group and make her mark. So…could she be the new Bethenny? It’s not an absurd question to ask.

From the first episode alone, it’s clear that Leah is a no-bullshit kind of gal. As Sonja told me recently, “This girl is a New Yorker through and through. And I enjoy her very much because I like to roll and have fun and she does too. She’s also intelligent so we have some really nice meaningful conversations.”

It’s evident early on that Leah isn’t afraid to slip into that voice of reason role that Bethenny filled, looking around and asking questions, namely: are you seeing this shit? And it’s not just because she’s new but because she seems to be somewhat normal — again, within the context of this group. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t come with her own interesting stories and thoughts, of course. She says what’s on her mind, she stays loyal and defends her friends, and calls people out when they’re acting up. She’s also super focused on her daughter and her clothing line — sound like anyone else you know? But the thing that also makes Leah stand out early on is that she seems to be very much herself, clearly her own woman which is what helps anyone to last on this show.

Bethenny was ready for the next thing in her life, which now means using her BStrong brand to help the coronavirus crisis and working on a new business competition series that will be coming to HBO Max, clearly wanting to be taken seriously at this stage in her life. Leah was also ready for the next thing in her life, which happens to be RHONY.

The show is going to continue to morph and grow and evolve, as it always has. But this time around, it feels as though Leah is likely candidate to help that happen, maybe especially because she’s ready to have some fun. But also because she feels much more like a natural fit for this group than any other newbie has in years (sorry Barbara!). This is only based on the first episode, but it’s a promising start. Leah will also provide a stable middle ground as the other women continue to live their lives: Lu’s probation is over so she’s drinking again, the Tinsley and Scott saga rages on, and then there’s whatever’s got Dorinda in tears. And while some things are new, some things always stay the same as I’m happy to report Ramona is as Ramona as ever.

The thing about The Real Housewives, and this applies to all cities, is that it’s always been about the group. The show doesn’t need one sole person for it to move along. In fact, sometimes, it works better when one person does move along. Bethenny will always be an important and iconic part of this show, but like any true New Yorkers, this current cast will always know how to entertain and get us talking.

The Real Housewives of New York City premieres tonight at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo. 

Where to stream The Real Housewives of New York City