Jimmy Fallon and Lady Gaga’s FaceTime Interview is Too Awkward to Watch

The world may have come to a standstill due to the novel coronavirus, but Lady Gaga is as busy as ever. On Wednesday night, the pop star was supposed to make a major announcement on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, but the interview was quickly derailed when her phone began ringing off the hook and she had to sign off. “I can’t, Jimmy. I can’t talk right now,” she said. Awkward.

This week, Fallon teased that Lady Gaga would be appearing (virtually) on his show to announce some “big news,” but he probably should have kept a lid on it. When it came time to FaceTime with the singer, the late night host was ecstatic — and she was anything but. “Hey. Hi everyone,” she said in quiet voice. “We have a big, maybe, announcement that you’re going to say tonight on our show?” asked Fallon.

Not quite. “I’m really sorry. It’s just like, a really weird time,” said a very apologetic Gaga, who explained that she’s too busy to talk to Fallon at that moment. His face dropped as he turned around his phone to show the singer off to his audience. “Hello? Jimmy? I can’t see you,” said Gaga. “Am I on TV?”

When Fallon informed her that, yes, she was being taped, she screamed in the background. As if on cue, her phone rang again… and then again. But The Tonight Show host was undeterred: he continued trying to tease out Gaga’s big announcement, despite the fact that she was clearly too busy for his shenanigans.

“Can you call me Friday?” asked Gaga. “Yeah, it’s Wednesday,” replied Fallon with a laugh. They made a tentative plan, but a few minutes later, she called back and asked if they could switch it to Monday. “I’m sorry, can we just move our time?” she asked (Gaga’s glasses were upside down on her face, so she was clearly feeling pretty overwhelmed). “I promise we’ll do it Monday!”

Yeah, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Monday’s FaceTime isn’t happening. Just a guess.

Watch Jimmy Fallon and Lady Gaga’s cringe FaceTime interview at the 5:00 mark in the clip above.

Where to stream The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon