Seth Meyers Slams “The Real Slim Shady” Jared Kushner for Coronavirus Response: “You’re a Nepotism Case”

Seth Meyers‘ Thursday night edition of “A Closer Look” proved to be quite prescient. Last night, just a few hours after Jared Kushner made his first appearance at the White House’s coronavirus briefing, Meyers tore into the president’s son-in-law for dismissing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s requests for ventilators. The Late Night host slammed Kushner as a “nepotism case” who is unqualified to handle the administration’s COVID-19 response — as well as any other responsibilities thrown his way.

On Thursday, Meyers took a deep-dive into President Trump’s decision to “abdicate his responsibility to handle the coronavirus pandemic” by making governors across the country outbid one another for essential medical supplies. “You’ll never guess who’s in charge of this shitshow,” teased the Late Night host. “The guy Slenderman has nightmares about, Jared Kushner. That’s right, the real Slim Shady has been put in charge of the ventilator problem.”

According to Vanity Fair, Kushner has told White House leaders that Gov. Cuomo, who said that New York still needs 30,000 ventilators, is being “an alarmist” about the situation. “I have all this data about ICU capacity. I’m doing my own projections, and I’ve gotten a lot smarter about this. New York doesn’t need all the ventilators,” the Trump advisor reportedly said.

“Oh, you’re doing your own projections? Did your parents just buy you a TI-84?” asked Meyers. “You’re not qualified to do anything, let alone tell New York how many ventilators they need.” The NBC host added that Kushner “only got the White House job because [he] married into the family and because the security guards believed [his] fake ID.”

Meyers concluded by bringing things back to the Trump administration as a whole. “I hope when the time for accountability comes, we can all remember that it didn’t have to be like this,” he said. “Other countries responded to this pandemic with competence and they avoided the worst. Now, we’re bracing for an unimaginable tragedy and as we speak, the president is leaving besieged states and hospitals to fend for themselves, putting lives at risk.”

Watch Seth Meyers tear into Jared Kushner in the clip above. His Kushner bit begins at the 14:45 mark.

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