‘Westworld’s Latest Wild Dolores Twist, Explained

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For weeks, Westworld has been teasing that not everything this season is as it seems. Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) has slowly been assembling a team of hosts in the real world. First, it seems she put someone else’s consciousness in a host version of Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson) and she’s implanted an ally in a copy of Martin Connells (Tommy Flanagan). But which hosts did Dolores bring back from the park? Who is Charlotte Hale, really??

Tonight, Westworld Season 3, Episode 4 “The Mother of Exiles” revealed the true identities of all the hosts Dolores smuggled into the real world, and it was a wild twist!

Dolores didn’t bring anyone but herself and Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) into the real world. Four of the five pearls she carried off park were merely copies of her! That’s right. All the hosts — save for Maeve (Thandie Newton), Stubbs (Luke Hemsworth), and Bernard — are copies of Dolores!

Tessa Thompson in Westworld Season 3
Photo: HBO

Let’s break this down. At the end of Westworld, it was revealed that Bernard had made a copy of Dolores’s pearl and implanted it in a host version of Charlotte Hale. That version of Dolores was able to leave Westworld with five stolen pearls in her handbag. We knew that one of these, a reddish one, was Bernard’s. We did not know who the other four were, but we have some answers. As Maeve explains it, she assumed that Dolores brought allies with her, but instead copied herself.

So far we know of four versions of Dolores:

  • Dolores Abernathy (or the version in Evan Rachel Wood): she has been leading her coup by cozying up to Liam Dempsey, Jr. (Liam Gallagher, Jr.) and starting an alliance with Caleb Nichols (Aaron Paul)
  • Dolores “Hale” (or the version in Tessa Thompson): by impersonating Hale, this version has control over the Delos board, which was cinched this episode when she got William (Ed Harris) committed. However, she also has a connected to Serac (Vincent Cassell), as the real Hale was a mole for Serac before her death.
  • Dolores “Connells” (or the version in Tommy Flanagan): he is Liam’s bodyman and able to help Dolores steal the tech giant’s fortune.
  • Dolores “Mushashi” (or the version portrayed by actor Hiroyuki Sanada): he is met and killed by Maeve, works as a yakuza boss.

Now, here’s the rub. Maeve says that Dolores stole five pearls from the park, but we only know of four hosts that she made once in the real world (in addition to the Hale body she escaped in: a copy of her original form, a copy of Connells, a copy of Mushashi, and Bernard.

If you’re keeping track, that leaves one more pearl on the table. There will likely be one more host revealed or replaced this season. We can assume that a copy of Dolores will be in this wild card host, but…maybe not?

For now, though, it looks like Dolores has turned herself into a small army to better organize her efforts. As she tells Maeve, “If you want something right you’ve got to do it yourself.” And Dolores has done everything herself so far. The only wrinkle? Caleb.

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