Decider After Dark

Steamy & Streamy: Who Knew Watching ‘Survivor’ Could Be Such A Turn On?

In the mood for a sexy scene? How about a super awkward one? Oh come on, we’ll all take whatever we can get these days. And so the latest installment to our Steamy & Streamy series is from the Comedy Central series, The Other Two.

The Other Two premiered at the beginning of 2019 and was easily one of the best shows of the year. Between the razor-sharp dialogue and hilarious jokes, this series about the adult siblings of a teenage pop star is one of the most LOL-inducing shows in recent memory. If you haven’t already binged, get on over to the Comedy Central website to get to it!

Here, Brian Faas of Page Six and I, Lea Palmieri of Decider After Dark, break down a scene that is just as confusing as it is comical. When Cary (Drew Tarver), a waiter and aspiring actor, returns home to his apartment to find his hot straight roommate (Andy Ridings) on the couch watching Survivor, he joins him for what feels like an innocent enough afternoon of reality competition enjoyment. But as soon as the intense heartbeat noise picks up and there’s a closeup on those silky mesh basketball shorts and his roommate’s happy trail, you know that blood is pumping.

Unfortunately, after a short but intense makeout that ends before things can enter uncharted territory below the belt, Cary retreats to his room for a “nap” aka to do what he’s got to do with a little bit of help from his hot roommate’s Instagram page — honestly a method most of us are probably sadly familiar with.

We hope you enjoy this silly scene, and the entire brilliant series, even though you may never look at a turtle eating a carrot the same way again.

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Where to stream The Other Two