‘Tiger King’ Filmmakers Reportedly Working on More Content For Netflix

The team that brought the wildly successful Tiger King to Netflix is said to be developing another big cat project. Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin are reportedly working on a follow up to their hit docuseries, and this time they’re turning their attention to a 2003 mauling attack that resulted in the end of the Siegfried & Roy show, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The incident the Tiger King team is allegedly planning to examine happened when a white tiger attacked magician Roy Horn during a Las Vegas show in front of an audience over 1,500 people. Horn claimed to have suffered a stroke as an explanation for the attack, but tiger trainer Chris Lawrence, who worked with Siegfried & Roy’s Las Vegas show, told THR last year that Horn was to blame. “[He] was treating the cats more like props than he was respecting them for who they were,” Lawrence said. “That can only work as long as there are no variables, which is impossible considering that you’re dealing with a living, thinking animal.”

The upcoming project was revealed to THR by wildlife veterinarian and field biologist Dr. James Liu, who works as associate director of the Turtle Conservancy. Liu contacted THR last week hoping to get in touch with Lawrence, and was requesting the former tiger trainer’s contact information because of the publication’s previous profile on him.

Liu, who said he had been involved in Tiger King production, told THR that the team was working on “a follow-up episode” which would serve as a “corrective” to the original series and to Joel McHale’s subsequent Tiger King special, which Goode Productions did not produce. Liu was hoping for Lawrence to reply to his former boss, Siegfried Fischbacher, who had disagreed with the trainer’s claims about the attack during an interview on Good Morning America.

Although the Tiger King filmmakers claimed the story they were initially trying to tell in their series was eventually warped and that their goal was always to advocate for animals, a Goode Films spokesperson told THR it was “untrue that the direction is going in a more conservational route” for the new material.

Tiger King first debuted on Netflix March 20 and quickly shot to number one on the streamer’s Top 10 list. It’s since drawn more than 34 million viewers on Netflix, according to Neilsen, and has inspired spinoffs with stars like Kate McKinnon and Nicolas Cage.

Decider has reached out to Netflix for confirmation on the upcoming series from the Tiger King team.

Stream Tiger King on Netflix