Joy Behar Rips Trump After Reporter Confrontation: “He’s a Disgusting Racist!”

When the cat’s away, the mice will play. Tuesday morning on The View, Joy Behar took advantage of Meghan McCain’s absence and unloaded on President Trump in a series of fiery monologues. Behar got particularly heated during a discussion about Trump’s Monday press conference, which ended abruptly after he told CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang to “ask China” about the rising coronavirus death toll. “He’s a disgusting racist!” said Behar. “I’ve had enough of him!”

This morning, The View opened Hot Topics with the biggest story of the day: Trump’s ongoing battle with the White House Press Corps. On Monday, the feud escalated when Jiang, an Asian-American reporter, asked Trump why he has presented the United States’ coronavirus response as “a global competition” even as thousands of Americans die every day. “Maybe that’s a question you should ask China,” said the president. When Jiang pushed back and asked why he was “saying that to [her], specifically,” Trump got flustered and promptly ended the press conference.

Behar was the first to chime in, and she didn’t hold back. “We all know now that he’s a racist,” she said. “We knew it when he attacked Mexicans, we knew it when he defended Charlottesville people, and we know it when he goes after China and he goes after a Chines-American girl.”

“He is a racist! He throws red meat to his basis on a regular basis,” she continued. “Anybody who still supports this guy needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves if they are racist, also. That’s all I have to say about him!”

But Behar wasn’t done quite yet. In the following segment, the longtime View co-host went on an extended tirade about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is currently making headlines for calling President Obama’s criticism of Trump “classless.” Behar tore into McConnell, calling him “one of the most classless, most unpatriotic, most un-American leader” that she has ever seen in her lifetime. “Talk about classless — he is an unpatriotic senator, and he needs to be taken out of office in the fall,” she said. “People need to wake up! Ugh, I’m so aggravated today.”

Watch Joy Behar rip Trump in the clip above.

Where to stream The View