Gayle King Gets Visibly Emotional Discussing Racist Central Park Confrontation: “Today is Too Much”

Gayle King is known for her unflappable persona, but on Tuesday morning, she broke down live on-air while discussing two racist incidents that captured the nation’s attention over the weekend. During a CBS This Morning segment about a Central Park dog walker who called the police on an innocent black man, the veteran anchor became visibly emotional, and she said that the senseless act of racism left her distraught. “Today is too much for me,” said King through tears.

This morning, the CBS team discussed two racist incidents that were captured on video and quickly went viral over Memorial Day Weekend. The first involved a black man in Minneapolis who died after he was violently arrested on suspicion of forgery, while the second involved a white woman, Amy Cooper, who called in a false 911 report on a black man who asked her to leash her dog.

“Once again, I say, thank goodness that there is video tape,” said King, after her anchors played a clip of the Central Park confrontation. “As a daughter of a black man and a mother of a black man, this is really too much for me today.”

King explained that the video of the Minneapolis man’s violent arrest left her “rattled,” and the Central Park video only compounded that feeling. “She’s practically strangling her dog to make these false accusations against another black man,” she said, her voice cracking. “I’m still so upset, Vlad [Duthiers], I’m so sorry. I’m still so upset by that last story where the man is handcuffed under a car, where people are pleading, ‘Please, he can’t breathe.’ And we’re watching a man die.”

“I don’t even know what to do or how to handle this, at this particular time,” continued King. “I am speechless. I am really, really speechless about what we’re seeing on television this morning.”

“It feels to me like open season,” concluded King through tears. “Sometimes it’s not a safe place to be in this country for black men.”

Watch Gayle King break down in the clip above.