David Guetta Under Fire for “Horrific” George Floyd Tribute

David Guetta has come under fire for attempting to honor George Floyd with a remix of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The French DJ introduced the “special record” during his live-streamed “United a Home” benefit on Saturday, but (for obvious reasons) David Guetta’s George Floyd mix didn’t sit well with Twitter users, who slammed the fist-pumping number as “tone deaf” and “wrong.” As one frustrated critic put it, “We’ve found it. The whitest way to react to racism.”

Over the weekend, Guetta played a live-streamed DJ set to raise money for coronavirus relief (according to The Independent, he raised $670,000). While the bulk of Guetta’s event focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, he opened the set by dedicating a few minutes to Floyd, a Black man who died in Minneapolis police custody last week.

“The world is going through difficult times, and America too, actually,” he said, as the beat slowly thumped through the speakers. “Last night, I knew we were going to do this, and I made a special record … in honor of George Floyd. I really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are more difficult.”

Guetta then offered “a shout out to [Floyd’s] family” as the beat swelled around him. Suddenly, he introduced a sample of MLK’s infamous “I Have a Dream Speech,” which, no matter how hard he tried, didn’t quite match the electronic dance track. Weird, right?

David Guetta’s George Floyd tribute quickly went viral for all the wrong reasons. As the video began circulating on Twitter, users called out the DJ for “fucking up bad” in his attempt to combat racism. “In what way was this a good idea?” asked one user. “Horrific,” added another.

David Guetta’s “United at Home” benefit is available to stream in full on YouTube. Watch his George Floyd tribute above (if you dare).