Meghan McCain Tantrum Plunges ‘The View’ Into Chaos: “I’m the Only Conservative on This Show!”

Sparks are flying on The View just in time for the Fourth of July. On Wednesday morning, Meghan McCain plunged the discussion into chaos with an impassioned rant about Dr. Fauci, the surge of positive coronavirus infections across the country, and the “hypocrisy” of her co-hosts’ disdain for Republicans and conservative media. As McCain’s tirade continued, Whoopi Goldberg repeatedly attempted to shut her down, to no avail. “Look, you want to fight about it, we can fight about it!” said Goldberg, throwing her hands up. Talk about drama.

The View‘s latest knock-out fight began with a discussion about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Tuesday testimony before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, during which he warned that positive COVID-19 cases could approach “100,000 a day if this does not turn around.” In recent days, prominent Republicans including Mitch McConnell seemed to heed this advice as they publicly urged citizens to wear masks in public to prevent the spread of the virus.

“It’s so interesting,” Joy Behar said of Republicans’ recent support of masks. “For months they’ve been protecting Trump and they’ve been prioritizing the economy over science.” She added that between Trump’s declining poll numbers and the rise of anti-Trump Republican group the Lincoln Project, GOP leaders “are petrified” of losing their Congressional seats. “I say vote them all out. All of them. Every Republican running,” said Behar.

Sunny Hostin then cited a Washington Post article that suggested that, as she put it, COVID-19 “infection and mortality rates are higher in places where Fox News’ Sean Hannity reaches the largest audience.” Added the left-leaning Hostin, “People are listening to these news personalities and reading and consuming this type of conservative media that’s still going to be downplaying wearing masks, still downplaying the numbers, I don’t think we’re going to see this huge cultural shift.”

That was more criticism of conservative media than McCain, a former Fox News personality, could handle. After playing a clip of Sen. Rand Paul’s dismissal of Fauci’s testimony, the co-host said that she, too, questions his coronavirus predictions. “I’m one hundred percent willing to say on television I do not have faith and trust in Dr. Fauci in the way that I did [in March],” said McCain. “The narrative continues to confuse me. Republicans are the devil, but protestors for Pride, and protestors for Black Lives Matter, it’s fine and the pandemic doesn’t exist.”

“Nobody said that!” fired back Behar. “That’s not what The View‘s saying,” clarified McCain. “You know, I’m the only conservative on this show and I leave this place and all I do, pretty much, is consume conservative media … As much as you want to trash Fox News, Tucker Carlson has the highest approval ratings and numbers in Fox News history right now, partly because he’s saying, in a much more eloquent way, what I’m saying right now. And there’s a lot of anger and frustration about this hypocrisy.”

Goldberg then stepped in to shut down McCain’s tantrum. “Here’s the deal. There is, at this point, there is no person on the face — in our country who can look at what’s happening and say, ‘Your politics is wrong.’ This is not about politics,” said the longtime moderator. “Everybody has to get on board to stop the spread of this thing. We said it to the marchers, we said it to everybody.”

“Dr. Fauci did not in the way that I would have liked,” replied McCain, adding that she wants to see Fauci and Dr. Birx “screaming bloody murder” about protestors maintaining social distancing. “The idea that we’re just going to sit here and say it’s just Republicans not wearing masks is just intellectually dishonest!”

The View‘s moderator attempted to clarify Hostin and Behar’s points yet again, but it was fruitless. The two continued to yell back and forth for two minutes, until finally, Goldberg interrupted McCain’s final rant to send the show to commercial. Viewers everywhere thank you, Whoopi.

Watch The View‘s contentious fight above.

Where to stream The View