Meghan McCain Changes Her Tune on the 2020 Election: Trump Will Probably Be a “One-Term President”

Meghan McCain has long warned her View co-hosts that President Trump will be reelected in November, but she may be starting to change her tune. This morning, the conservative firebrand ripped Trump’s Tuesday night Rose Garden speech, during which he repeatedly hammed presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter. McCain said that the president’s “stupid, undisciplined comments” may end up being his downfall, as he’s unable to get his policy points across to Republican voters. “[It] will probably end up making him a one-term president,” she said.

After two days of tension, The View remained relatively calm on Wednesday morning, but that didn’t stop the co-hosts from tearing into Trump. The women agreed that Trump’s speech in the Rose Garden was more of a campaign rally than a press conference, particularly when it came to his attacks on Biden. “He’s unraveling,” said Joy Behar. “His incompetence and ludicrous remarks and lying are now coming out loud and clear to almost everybody.”

McCain echoed that sentiment, saying that the Rose Garden speech shows that the Trump administration has “come up with a concerted plan because he can’t do rallies” amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “He has elected to use the platform of the Rose Garden to attack Hunter Biden, to talk about things you would traditionally only see in a campaign rally,” she said.

While Trump’s presser was ostensibly called to announce new sanctions on China, the president’s attacks on Biden pushed the discussion away from that message, and McCain wishes he had stuck to his talking points. “If he had the discipline that any other candidate has to hit China in this moment … it’s actually something that’s statistically very impactful and very effective among Democrats, as well,” she said. “But the problem is — and it’s a huge frustration for any student of politics — he has a lot of opportunities here that he could be using, but he just [cannot] stop himself from making these stupid, undisciplined comments that become Hot Topics on shows like this.”

“If he and his team just can’t in any way bring out any kind of cohesive message, maybe you should just wrap it up,” continued McCain. “Any other Republican candidate would have done this very well. But we have someone who can’t even discipline themselves in three seconds. It’s just frustrating to watch.”

Watch Meghan McCain skewer Trump in the clip above.

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