Meghan McCain Defends AOC After GOP Lawmaker Calls Her a “F***ing Bitch”

The world must have turned upside-down, because Meghan McCain just defended Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On Wednesday morning, The View co-hosts discussed AOC’s verbal altercation with Republican Rep. Ted Yoho, who reportedly called his Democratic colleague a “fucking bitch” on the steps of the Capitol. In a rare moment of bipartisanship, conservative co-host McCain spoke out on behalf of Ocasio-Cortez and slammed Yoho’s “sexist” insult. “The whole thing is disgusting,” McCain said of the controversy. “I disagree with AOC on practically everything, but she deserves everyone’s respect.”

Yesterday, The Hill reported that Florida congressman Ted Yoho and New York Rep. Ocasio-Cortez got into a “brief but heated exchange” on the steps of the Capitol that culminated in Yoho calling AOC a “fucking bitch.” After an afternoon of back and forth, Yoho officially apologized “for the abrupt manner of the conversation” on the House floor Wednesday morning, but he denied using “the offensive name-calling words attributed” to him by The Hill.

Apology or not, the controversy made its way to The View on Wednesday morning, and the co-hosts had plenty to say. “I hate this. Congressman Yoho is one of the least impressive congresspeople of my generation. I can’t think of one notable thing he’s done in his tenure,” said McCain. She said that calling a woman a “fucking bitch” is “not only reductive,” but incredibly “sexist,” particularly when it is levied at a woman you don’t agree with.

“If you are mentally and emotionally incapable of working with strong women, you shouldn’t work with them. I think Ted Yoho should resign if he has such a huge problem,” continued McCain, her voice rising. “I just think the whole thing was disgusting, and all strong women — we’re called this all the time … and I’m sick of it!”

Joy Behar agreed, saying that even though AOC is “a flashpoint for the right-wing mob,” her response to trolling has proven that “she’s no shrinking snowflake.” Added Behar, “This Yoho — or Yahoo — he needs to get his act together.”

Left-leaning co-host Sunny Hostin also praised Republican congressmen like Matt Gaetz for speaking out in defense of Ocasio-Cortez, despite their political differences. However, she reminded viewers that this altercation happened on the steps of the Capitol, the congresswoman’s place of work. “The fact that she was accosted by a man on the steps of where they are employed … anyone else that did something like that at their place of employment would be censured, reprimanded,” she said. “Congress has to take corrective action against him.”

After Whoopi Goldberg made a bizarre remark about what would have happened if Ocasio-Cortez had “kneed” Yoho — “How did she know he wasn’t going to hit her?” asked the moderator — McCain got in one final screed. “She’s become such a lighting rod because she’s so effective,” the conservative firebrand said of AOC. “I disagree with her on everything, but this disrespect to young women is ridiculous.”

Well, color me shocked!

Watch The View‘s discussion above.

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