Bravo’s ‘Race In America: A Movement Not A Moment’ Special Is The Most Important Thing You Can Watch This Weekend

Bravo, more than most other television networks, has taken the Black Lives Matter movement seriously — and they’ve taken action. They didn’t just make a statement on social media; they followed that up with Instagram Live discussions, fired cast members from Vanderpump Rules and Below Deck Mediterranean who displayed racist behavior, and this Sunday night they will air Race in America: A Movement Not A Moment. If you’re feeling skeptical about what a special focused around race looks like on the network known for Housewives, don’t write it off just yet. In fact, it’s because of those Housewives and other Bravolebrities sharing vulnerable, honest, and frustrating stories that these 90 minutes of television prove to be especially effective, and hopefully the beginning of a long-overdue and important conversation.

Hearing from the people we’ve watched on TV for years, people that feel like friends, as they explain the times they have experienced racial inequality everywhere from doctors’ offices to airplanes to retail stores to schools will be shocking, likely to many white viewers, though sadly relatable to the non-white viewers tuning in. Hosted by E!’s Nina Parker, the panel includes the likes of Kandi Burruss (who also serves as an executive producer) and her husband Todd Tucker, Gizelle Bryant, Dr. Britten Cole, Gregory Gourdet, Toya Bush-Harris & Dr. Eugene Harris, Leah McSweeney, Dr. Simone Whitmore, Porsha Williams, Braunwyn Windham-Burke, and Garcelle Beauvais. As the first Black Housewife on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this season, Beauvais told me, “Some of [these] stories I’ve shared with my close friends or family but nothing [else] really because there wasn’t a platform to share those types of things before.” She uses the special to explain various encounters she’s had with police and salespeople in the past. “I really feel like quarantine was meant for us to stop for a moment and be still and reflect. And, unfortunately and fortunately, see the George Floyd incident so that people can really see it. I think that if we were going on with our lives, I don’t think the impact would’ve been the same.”

Enter executive producers Leslie D. Farrell and Dorothy Toran of Lauren Grace Media. Farrell previously worked at Bravo as a network executive for five years and Toran was an executive producer on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, so the two women were already part of the Bravo family and more than ready to step up and create something to address this moment. “Bravo had been internally talking about wanting to become part of this larger conversation on race that’s happening in America right now,” Farrell told me. “Bravo knew us already and knew what we could do as storytellers. What we wanted to do, as the filmmakers, was we wanted to broaden this discussion out. We know that oftentimes the issue of race has been really viewed as a Black issue. And Dorothy and I, as both Black women, know very well that it’s not a Black issue. It’s an American issue.” This is also why they felt it was important to include personalities from all over the country, as that certainly contributes to different experiences. “The other element that was utmost important to us was making sure that the people, the Bravolebrities that we included in the show, had a history of speaking out for racial equality and against racism,” Farrell said. “We didn’t want people that are maybe just becoming aware at this moment. Everyone on the panel has, in some way, for many years, been vocal or active. This has been something that they’ve been fighting for and aware of. We thought that way, we would really have a depth of conversation that you might not expect from a reality channel, from Bravo.”

“Every Bravolebrity that we chose on the panel, they took the responsibility of using their voice in this conversation about the state of race in America so seriously,” Toran said. “It was wonderful. They were very thoughtful in how they approached the conversation, and were very honest and authentic, in terms of what they shared. I think the reason that the special resonates well with the Bravo audience is because it is filled with personal stories. Bravo was incredibly supportive, of not just being preachy or talking about race in a way that makes people think that you are lecturing them or it’s truly a historical lesson. We really wanted to make the issue of race be personal to everyday lives because we think that is a really helpful tool in helping people to understand racism.”

So, as black women, were they surprised by some of the infuriating stories each of the participants so graciously shared throughout? “As women of color, we were not surprised,” Toran confirmed. “Because in some form or fashion, if you are a Black person in America, you have been targeted by racism directly.” What Farrell and Toran truly wanted to achieve with the special was to make a distinction that it is a certain group of people that exhibit such blatantly racist behaviors, and as Toran said, “If you can understand what they are, maybe as a white person, the next time that you see this behavior in someone that you know, you can be an advocate and use your voice to stop it or to be in support of the Black person that’s on the receiving end.”

On her part, Beauvais was shocked by some of the racist behavior she was hearing about during the special, saying, “Some of it was like, oh my god, that’s so blatant I can’t believe it.” But she’s been dealing with it for years — her whole life, to be exact. “I’ve had friends call me and say, ‘I can’t believe stuff like that happens to you,’ and I’m like, it doesn’t matter who I am or what I’ve done. If I’m pulled over by the cops, I’m scared just like anybody else.” I asked how she reconciles with living in two wildly different worlds: one where she’s on an international cover of Vogue magazine looking glamorous as all hell, and one where she is still a Black woman in America, terrified of herself or her Black children getting pulled over by the police. “I say, I have a normal life and every now and then I get to do something extraordinary. Vogue was extraordinary, but on a daily basis I’m cooking, I’m doing dishes, I’m running to UPS, regular stuff. I think that’s the beauty of showing it can happen to anyone.”

For the producers of the special, one of the surprises they appreciated the most were the authentic and honest contributions of the two white panelists, McSweeney and Windham-Burke. “I have to say that Leah and Braunwyn were so open,” Farrell said. “It takes a lot of courage. Even though we may tell you you’re going to be in a supportive environment, and we chose you because you have been an advocate and an ally — it’s still scary. To be that open, knowing it’s going to be on national television, was very brave. I think it will be so helpful in adding to this conversation. We didn’t set out to make a show where we’re going to make people feel bad. The idea is, look: this is the situation. The American system is a racist system. More people are understanding and seeing that. Now you can understand how it works, what to look out for. And here are some tools for you, regardless of who you may be, where you can hopefully help to cure this ill that plagues the United States. That’s really what it’s about.”

Toran appreciated that the two white women were “transparent about the things that they never really thought about before, and also, how mortified they are that this is happening. They were just outraged.” McSweeney has spent this entire season of RHONY, her first on the show, proving that she’s down to show up for what’s right and the causes she believes in. But RHOC‘s Wyndham-Burke will likely surprise viewers in the way that she doesn’t even blink an eye when admitting she’s lost friends and thousand of social media followers due to standing up for what’s right — clearly happier that people who don’t share her views have shown themselves the door.

And once the taping was over, Beauvais said she felt a bit of relief. “[It was] like we bonded in a way because we had similar experiences. It was just nice to share, nice to share our experiences and what we think and how we’re talking to our kids. I thought that was really good, I’m glad Bravo did it.” And since the BLM movement has gained such traction in the last few months, I asked if any of her castmates had reached out to her to express their support, but that’s not quite been the case. “Denise reached out and Dorit reached out, and I reached out to Erika because I know her son is a cop and I wanted to make sure he was okay. But I think they’ve been supportive from what I see on social media.”

Sigh, please take note, the rest of the RHOBH cast members and other while people across the country. Showing your support on social media is cool and all, but this special’s most important goal is to get us talking in person. “I hope conversations are being had afterwards, maybe with their family, with spouses or neighbors,” Beauvais said, hoping that it goes beyond a black box on Instagram or a one-time donation. “I think it’s important for people to have conversations and say, ‘If I see something how do I navigate it, how do I help someone else?’ Maybe they will hear a story that will strike a chord with them. Maybe they’ll reach out to a friend that’s non-white and start a conversation and see how they can help in any way.”

Farrell and Toran share her hopes, with Farrell noting that “One of the big messages is: we need to talk about this. It’s okay to talk about it, even when it’s uncomfortable. You have people who are afraid to talk about it. They may feel like they are good people, but they’re afraid to say anything or ask a question. Hopefully, one of the things that people take away from this is that: I want to be a better person. I see now, my eyes have been opened to other people’s behavior — but also, let me check myself. I may have friends who are of varying ethnicities. I want to get up the courage to speak to them, because it’s okay. The only way for racism to go away on a cultural, regular, everyday level is for people to talk about it and to acknowledge that there is a ranking system in this country. That you don’t have to be afraid. I think that we also hit on voting, which is very important. Voting begins on your local level. Who are your mayors, your city councils? Up from there, being active in that level — very, very important.”

“You don’t have to know the ‘right thing to say,’” Toran added. “Sometimes our white allies are so afraid to say the wrong thing that they say nothing. The understanding that it doesn’t have to be perfect. I think that what you will find is that Black people welcome the question because it means that you have an open heart and you are willing to educate yourself to their perspective, and then do better. It’ll be uncomfortable and weird, but if you make it something that happens more regularly — like everything else, you get better at it the more you do it.”

They were also sure to address the major components of helping to fix this problem in America now, with Farrell pointing out that they included “paths forward” in the special. “What can you do? Can you protest? Can you vote? How can you check these behaviors in yourself? Nobody’s perfect. That was our greater goal, was to give people hope that we can create a better society.”

Plus, Toran was sure to give a shoutout where it mattered. “It’s so important for Leslie and I to give Bravo so much credit. It is difficult for a big corporate conglomerate — there were so many companies that just were making statements because it felt like their corporate responsibility. I just think that Bravo was so bold and courageous to let us have this conversation in a really authentic way. Not only did they not hold us back from it, they just lifted us up all along the way. We’ve been a long time part of the Bravo family, and we were so honored that the relationship continues in such a powerful and meaningful way.” After all, it is an ongoing movement and not just a moment, and hopefully, there will be more important conversations had on the network. But for right now, this moment, and this special, is one you won’t want to miss.

Race in America: A Movement Not A Moment airs Sunday at 10pm ET/PT on Bravo. 

Where to stream Race in America: A Movement Not A Moment