‘Ted Lasso’: Ted Opens Up About His Marriage in This Exclusive Clip

We’re already halfway through Season 1 of Apple TV+‘s comedy hit Ted Lassobut we don’t know much about the embattled soccer coach’s personal life and what really brought him over the England — until now. Tomorrow, we’ll get to know Ted (Jason Sudeikis) and his family a lot better in “Tan Lines,” episode 5 of the comedy, which brings Ted’s wife (Andrea Anders) and his young son across the pond for a visit. But before they arrive, Ted spills plenty of personal information about his marriage troubles to his boss, Rebecca (Hannah Waddingham), which you can watch in Decider’s exclusive clip above.

The sneak peek begins with Ted strolling into work with a smile on his face, until he literally walks into a glass door and takes a pretty epic tumble which lands in him Rebecca’s office with an ice-pack placed firmly on his forehead. But in typical Ted fashion, he takes full blame for the incident. “It’s my fault for staring at my phone,” he tells Rebecca. “I just can’t stop checking on my family’s flight.”

Rebecca, cup of tea in hand, says nothing. But of course, Ted continues on, spilling personal information he admittedly “hasn’t shared with too many folks.” As he begins to launch into his “marital issues” with Michelle, his wife, Rebecca tries to drop the hint that she is not interested in hearing aboleut his relationship. “Ted, you really don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to,” she says.

Ted does not take the hint, and as Rebecca audibly sighs, he launches into the history of his marriage. “We tried couple’s therapy, didn’t like the other couple,” Ted says with a laugh, which Rebecca tries her best to share with him.

But Ted is definitely not done sharing, and is eager to open up to Rebecca about with more therapy details, including the code word their therapist suggested they use: Oklahoma. “Yeah, it was pretty helpful,” Ted admits. “It ruined the musical for me, though…if I hear any of those tunes, I’m immediately think about my wife telling me my constant optimism is ‘too much.'”

Bottom line? Don’t take Ted Lasso to see Oklahoma. Catch “Tan Lines” when it premieres on Apple TV+ Aug. 28.

Stream Ted Lasso on Apple TV+