Seth Meyers Tears Into Trump: “He Might Get Better From COVID, But He Will Never Get Better as a Person”

Late Night with Seth Meyers has been off the air since President Trump first announced his COVID-19 diagnosis early Friday morning, but the late night host is certainly making up for lost time. Last night, Meyers tore into Trump in a lengthy “Closer Look” segment that tackled everything from Trump’s stay at Walter Reed to his Sunday “joyride” to his Monday video assuring Americans that they should “not be afraid” of the novel coronavirus. “Remember, he might get better from COVID, but he will never get better as a person,” ripped the NBC host.

There has been no shortage of news over the past few days, but on Monday night, they all fell by the wayside as Meyers attempted to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak in the White House and the Republican party. On Friday, said the late night host, “there were 30,000 Americans hospitalized with COVID-19,” including Trump. “But don’t worry, the president reassured us all in a message from his hospital suite that this has been a very educational experience for him.”

“I learned it by really going to school,” Trump said of COVID-19 in the video, released Friday. “I get it, and I understand it.”

Now you’ve learned a lot about COVID?!” asked an incredulous Meyers. “Maybe you could have looked into it a bit before you and seven million other Americans got it. You can learn to cross the street safely without getting hit by a bus first. He’s like a dude in a full body cast saying, ‘Great news! I learned a lot about ‘Don’t Walk’ signs.’ … If only there were a way to learn about this deadly and highly infectious disease without getting it.”

Meyers then turned to Trump’s “shockingly reckless photo-op” on Sunday afternoon. “He left the hospital, still infectious with a deadly virus, and made his security detail drive him past a throng of supporters in his motorcade,” he said. “Nothing projects strength like waving from the back seat of an SUV like a kid headed for soccer practice … When you said you learned about COVID, did you mean you learned how to spread it? I’m surprised he didn’t jump out of the SUV and crowd surf.”

After making his way through the rest of the weekend — and the other Trump administration officials who have now tested positive for COVID-19 — Meyers finally arrived at Monday afternoon. “This afternoon, Trump announced that he’d be leaving the hospital, and then used it, once again, as an occasion to downplay the severity of the virus,” said Meyers, before playing a clip of a CNN anchor discussing Trump’s tweet telling Americans, “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

“Of course you can say, ‘Don’t be afraid of COVID.’ You have the best taxpayer-funded medical care in the world,” said the Late Night host. “It’s easy to say, ‘Don’t be afraid to jump out of this plane’ when you’re the only one with a parachute.”

“For seven months, the president denied reality and said the virus would magically disappear, that cases would go down to zero, that we were turning a corner — and then he was hospitalized with the disease himself after having potentially exposed lots of other people,” concluded Meyers. “Trump has been comfortably ensconced in one of the best medical facilities in the world while he and his allies try to rip healthcare away from millions.”

Watch Seth Meyers take down Trump in the video above.

Where to stream Late Night with Seth Meyers