Jim Carrey, Other NBC Stars Call For Network Boycott After Airing Trump Town Hall

Despite the fact that NBC is currently paying (a small portion) of Jim Carrey’s paycheck these days for his portrayal as Joe Biden on Saturday Night Live, the actor is actively urging viewers not to watch the network. Carrey is among the celebrities, many of whom are or have been employed by the network, who opposed NBC’s decision to air the Donald Trump town hall last night (October 15), and are dragging the network hard for the decision to give Trump air time directly opposite Joe Biden’s town hall.

Many celebs called out NBC and started using the #NBCBoycott hashtag, though not all of them went so far as to call President Trump a “raging howler monkey-in-chief,” the way Carrey did while airing his frustration.

Actors like Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who made a name for herself on the network as one of the stars of Seinfeld, advocated for an NBC blackout by simply using the hashtag.

Similarly, Debra Messing was not having any of it from the network that gave her a platform as Grace on Will and Grace.

And lest you think the supporters of these hashtags are celebs whose most famous roles on the network are behind them, and they have little to lose, This is Us star Mandy Moore didn’t hold back either. Though she didn’t explicitly call for boycotts, she did make her point clear when she signed the petition against the network and revealed that she would not be watching NBC last night.

Other NBC stars past and present who signed the petition against their own network were Mariska Hargitay, Chris Meloni, Keith Powell, Aubrey Plaza, Shakina Nayfack, and Adam Scott.  NBC has maintained that the decision to air the town hall was in the interest of fairness, even pretending to be frustrated by the timing of the programming which they had complete control over:

“We share in the frustration that our event will initially air alongside the first half of ABC’s broadcast with Vice President Biden. Our decision is motivated only by fairness, not business considerations. We aired a town hall with Vice President Biden on October 5 at 8pm. If we were to move our town hall with President Trump to a later time slot we would be violating our commitment to offer both campaigns access to the same audience and the same forum.”

The network has not publicly responded to the slams from their talent.