Jimmy Kimmel Explains Why Trump And Biden’s Town Halls Were Head-To-Head: “NBC Sucks”

As we know from yesterday’s public uproar from celebs and journalists alike, not many people were happy that Donald Trump‘s NBC town hall was scheduled directly opposite Joe Biden‘s town hall, which was broadcast on ABC. With two broadcasts airing simultaneously, Jimmy Kimmel analyzed how the evening’s events came to be on last night’s (October 15) Jimmy Kimmel Live and came to one simple conclusion: “NBC sucks.”

“Debate number two was scheduled for this evening but instead we got two dueling town halls, Joe Biden on ABC, Donald Trump on NBC. NBC pulled a very sneaky move after Trump refused to participate in a virtual debate they swooped in and gave him his own hour opposite Joe Biden and, while many are wondering why NBC would schedule this at the same time as Biden’s town hall instead of on another night or in another time slot so we could see what both candidates have to say, the answer to the question is: NBC sucks. That’s what it was. It was a real peacock block.”

Indeed, the move was a strange one. While Kimmel is an ABC employee and jokes at a rival network’s expense are par for the course, he also noted that Trump shares the exact same sentiments. At a rally earlier in the day yesterday, Trump told supporters “So you know I’m being set up tonight. I’m doing this town hall with Concast, C-O-N, right, con, because it’s a con job… It’s NBC, the worst.” Trump for his part is happy with the way things went at his town hall, judging by the only metric he cares about: “good reviews.”