Trevor Noah Mocks Lindsey Graham with Supercut of Anti-Trump Comments

With the election just four days away, Trevor Noah is doing all he can to hold Republicans accountable. On Thursday night, The Daily Show host mocked South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham with a supercut of him trashing Donald Trump during a 2016 interview on the show. At the time, Graham said that voting for Trump “is like being shot in the head,” a statement that is squarely at odds with his fervent support for the president’s reelection campaign. Point: Trevor Noah.

Last night, The Daily Show aired portions of a 2016 interview with Graham in which he repeatedly (and harshly) drags then-presidential candidate Trump. “If Donald Trump carries the banner of my party, I think it taints conservatism for generations to come,” the senator told Noah at the time. “I think his campaign is opportunistic, race baiting, religious bigotry, xenophobia. Other than that, he’d be a good nominee.”

Graham added that “it’s possible that some” members of the Republican party support racism, bigotry, and xenophobia, but he seemed to exclude himself from that group.

Noah then played a clip from January 2016 in which Graham says that choosing between Sen. Ted Cruz (who was still in the running at the time) and Trump “is like being shot or poisoned.” When Comedy Central host asked “who is shooting and who is poisoning” between the two, Graham paused before identifying Trump as the least favorable option. “You might find an antidote to poisoning, I don’t know, but maybe there’s time,” he joked, throwing shade at Cruz.

“I’m saying my party’s completely screwed up,” concluded Graham.

Given Graham’s recent transition into a full-blown Trump supporter, The Daily Show‘s “What Happened to Lindsey Graham?” supercut speaks for itself. In a dig at the senator’s shifting position on Supreme Court vacancies, the show offered just one bit of commentary: “Hey Lindsey Graham, is this one of the tapes we were supposed to play back for you?” reads the video’s description. Got heeeem.

Watch The Daily Show‘s savage Lindsey Graham supercut above.

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