Is Netflix’s ‘You Are My Home’ Based on a True Story?

Netflix has released a touching, timely story with You Are My Home. The film grapples with themes of immigration and adoptive families, mainly following a sweet 11-year-old girl separated from her family by ICE agents. It sounds like something ripped straight from real life in America — but is You Are My Home actually based on a true story?

Alexandra (Eva Ariel Binder) is the young girl in the story, and she becomes wary of adults the minute her mother is taken away from her. A local social worker (Alyssa Milano) connects Alex with a foster guardian — who, coincidentally, has just lost her own family. Though the pair take a bit to warm up to each other, the holiday season brings them together.

Here’s everything you need to know about the story behind You Are My Home:

Is You Are My Home based on a true story?

Nope. You Are My Home is entirely fictional. Even though it sounds like it could be a true story, the original script was written by Marion Milner and Amanda Raymond. That being said, as of Dec. 2020, there are 628 migrant children missing their parents in the U.S. This specific narrative isn’t true — but it’s not far from real life happenings.

Is You Are My Home based on a book?

Also no — You Are My Home began as a script for the screen. The story is all from the minds of Marion Milner and Amanda Raymond.

Is there a trailer for You Are My Home?

Yes! You can watch it here.

Watch You Are My Home on Netflix