Meghan McCain Calls for Her Fellow Republicans to Invoke the 25th Amendment: Trump Has Become “A Mad King”

Meghan McCain is calling upon her fellow Republicans to invoke the 25th Amendment after a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. During an impassioned monologue on Thursday’s episode of The View, McCain insisted that President Donald Trump has become “a mad king” and must be removed from office to prevent further damage to American democracy. “Our country cannot go on like this,” said the conservative co-host. “We have to get him out immediately because this cannot stand.”

The View co-hosts didn’t mince words during their discussion about Wednesday’s act of domestic terrorism, which longtime moderator Whoopi Goldberg insisted was incited by Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., and “faux lawyer” Rudy Giuliani. “If you want to look for somebody [to blame], there are three people right there whose fingers are the dirtiest because they knew what they were doing, and they did it anyway,” she said.

Goldberg then handed the discussion over to McCain, who appeared visibly upset as she reflected on yesterday’s events. “This is one of the great national tragedies of my lifetime. This is one of America’s darkest days,” she said, adding that she was “absolutely despondent” watching the attack unfold Wednesday afternoon. “This is a good time to take a very hard look at where we are as a country and take a very hard look at where we are with President Trump.”

“The bedrock of our democracy and the bedrock of who we are as Americans is the peaceful transition of power, and he is clearly a president who has turned into a mad king,” continued McCain, her voice shaking. “At this point, I am calling on all Republicans and conservatives who still have clout: we have to invoke the 25th Amendment. We cannot withstand this … We cannot possibly risk the idea that we could have more violence between now and President Biden getting elected and inaugurated.”

McCain went on to lament the fact that “these bastards are using the American flag as symbols as they attack our own republic” and the seat of the government. “You are not patriots! You do not represent America! You are scum of the Earth who are using and abusing and bastardizing all that I love and have grown up with for your own sick agenda. And that agenda has been directly, directly sent by President Trump,” she said. “I am a patriot! I come from a patriotic family. I come from a family of service, as does everyone on this show. You are hurting our country. You are becoming a national embarrassment.”

Where to stream The View