James Corden Bids Adieu to Trump with ‘Les Mis’ Musical Parody

James Corden is saying goodbye to the Trump era with one final musical number. On Tuesday night, The Late Late Show host celebrated his “last day of Trump jokes” with a Les Misérables-themed musical number riffing off the famed ballad “One Day More.” Say what you will about Corden, but at least he respects Broadway.

Like many of his fellow late night hosts, Corden arrived to work on Tuesday in a chipper mood, and it didn’t go unnoticed. In a pre-taped segment, Corden runs into a CBS staffer, who asks how he’s feeling about the final day of the Trump presidency. “You’ve got it!” replies the host. “Just one more day. One day more.”

Cue the musical intro and the opening notes of “One Day More” from Les Misérables. As Corden walks into the office, he sees Trump on television falsely claiming that he won the election, yet again. “One day more. The final day of Trump as president,” sings The Late Late Show host. “The White House has a brand new resident. It’s been four years of endless crimes. But now he’s finally out of time. One day more.”

With some help from a few Broadway stars, including Joshua Grosso, Jillian Butler, Emily Bautista, and Patti LuPone (!), Corden cheers the thought of “no more days of angry tweets,” just “one more day with him not caring,” and a future without “Trump rallies.” As he puts it, Biden’s inauguration is “the judgement day,” after which Trump will hopefully be held accountable for his misdeeds (the president was impeached last week for his role in inciting the deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6).

Of course, Corden’s Les Mis riff isn’t all doom and gloom. “One day to a new beginning. Here’s to Joe and Kamala,” he sings. “Politics are dull again. Politics are dull again. Georgia democrats are winning. Hope for 2021. Do you hear the people sing?”

Watch James Corden bid a Broadway adieu to Trump in the video above.

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