Bill Maher Suggests Republicans Are Incapable Of “Epiphany” In Trump Impeachment Trial On HBO’s ‘Real Time’

Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host joked during his monologue, which you can watch below, that as we approach Valentines Day, “There’s nothing to get you revved up for romance like a solid week of bloody insurrection videos.”

The former president’s impeachment trial has been underway for the past several days with House Democrat Managers making compelling arguments for the conviction of Donald Trump.

Maher, more or less, said his own version of “don’t get your hopes up” to his studio audience and viewers at home, however. His message was meant for hopeful Democrats and anti-Trump conservatives who may be crossing their fingers for a conviction following the litany of distressing footage of the Capitol assault that was displayed during the trial.

The late night political pundit reminded those watching that Republicans “don’t do epiphany.” Most political experts consider conviction extremely unlikely since it will require 17 Republicans to vote with 50 Democrats. “They never come around,” Maher said. “This is the problem with Democrats. Always hoping. It’s the Charlie Brown with the football thing.”

This message from Maher on Friday night came before the Senate voted to call witnesses to the trial on Saturday morning.

The show’s special guest Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) may be one exception to Maher’s comments. The former U.S. Air Force pilot recently launched the Country First PAC to distance the Republican Party from Trump’s influence and was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach the former POTUS after the Jan. 6 insurrection.

“We need a Republican party that isn’t crazy,” Kinzinger said, acknowledging that it’s a herculean task. “I may not succeed. I am at peace with trying. Someone has got to do something.”

“If I could go back now, I would vote for Joe Biden in a heartbeat,” he said. You can watch the full interview above.

Those watching the trail will just have to wait to see how it pans out to know whether or not Maher is right about Republican Senators.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter — @Tweetskoor

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