Meghan Markle Reportedly Filed a Formal Complaint Against Piers Morgan Following Interview Backlash

Meghan Markle reportedly made a formal complaint to ITV about Piers Morgan‘s offensive remarks following her bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey. According to various British outlets, including The Guardian, Markle raised the complaint following Monday’s episode of Good Morning Britain, during which Morgan repeatedly dismissed the Duchess of Sussex’s claim that she felt suicidal following years of negative media coverage.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that both ITV and Archewell, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new foundation, declined to comment on the complaint, but neither party denied that it was made.

Markle’s reported complaint is the latest update in a rapidly evolving story. For days leading up to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah, Morgan attacked the royal couple, and his criticism only intensified on Monday morning. The ex-Good Morning Britain host was particularly dismissive of Markle’s claim that she “just didn’t want to be alive anymore” and went to Buckingham Palace officials for help, but was denied. “Who did you go to? What did they say to you? I’m sorry, I don’t believe a word she said, Meghan Markle,” said Morgan. “I wouldn’t believe it if she read me a weather report.”

Morgan’s remarks were widely condemned by mental health advocates, viewers (more than 41,000 complaints were lodged following his Monday tirade), and even by his own co-presenters. On Tuesday, Alex Beresford called out Morgan’s “absolutely diabolical behavior” towards Meghan and Harry, prompting the controversial host to storm off the Good Morning Britain set.

Just a few hours later, Morgan abruptly quit Good Morning Britain after six years as a presenter. “Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain,” said the network in a statement. “ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add.”

Morgan remained silent on his exit until Wednesday morning, when he tweeted a non-apology. “On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview,” he wrote. “I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on.”

The ex-television host later doubled down while speaking to reporters outside his home on Wednesday morning. “I don’t believe almost anything that comes out of her mouth and I think the damage she’s done to the British monarchy and to the Queen at a time when Prince Philip is lying in hospital is enormous and frankly contemptible,” he said, per Sky News. “If I have to fall on my sword for expressing an honestly-held opinion about Meghan Markle and that diatribe of bilge that she came out with in that interview, so be it.”

“I think it’s fair to say, although the woke crowd will think that they’ve canceled me, I think they will be rather disappointed when I re-emerge.”

Where to stream Oprah with Meghan and Harry