Dr. Fauci Advises Stephen Colbert Not To “Hit The Clubs” Even After Getting Vaccinated

Stephen Colbert hosted a Late Show episode this week dubbed “Quaranniversary Special” to commemorate “The Year That Took 100 Years But Was Also Somehow One Long Day.” If you’ve been stuck inside for over a year now and are already making plans for when you get fully vaccinated, you may just want to watch Friday night’s segment, “Doctor’s Orders,” first.

In the segment, Colbert asks America’s doctor Dr. Anthony Fauci (over video conference), a bunch of rapid-fire questions that are meant to help inform viewers at home about coronavirus precautions.

One of Colbert’s questions are if he can “hit the clubs” two weeks after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Fauci says not so fast. There is still a chance that you can transmit the virus to others, even if vaccinated.

Fauci seemed extremely optimistic tone about the Biden administration’s promise that all adults will be able to qualify for the coronavirus vaccine by May. When asked, “can we be hopeful that this is going to come to an end soon,” Fauci said, “Yes, and not only hopeful. You can be absolutely certain that this is going to end and we will get back to normal. The question is when.”

That doesn’t mean Americans can return to normal just yet, however. When Colbert asked if he can go clubbing once fully vaxxed, Fauci’s answer was “No, you shouldn’t hit the clubs until we get the level of virus down so low that there’s no threat to hit the clubs.”

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor

Where to Stream The Late Show with Stephen Colbert