Will There Be a ‘Mortal Kombat 2’? What We Know About a Possible Sequel

You just finished watching Mortal Kombat on HBO Max, you’re all jazzed up from watching a dude straight-up rip a human heart out of someone’s chest, and you’re reeling from that Mortal Kombat ending that pretty clearly sets up a Mortal Kombat 2.

This 2021 film is a reboot of the 1995 Mortal Kombat film, and that movie received a sequel two years later: 1997’s Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. It seems that the 21st century Mortal Kombat is hoping to follow a similar path.

We won’t spoil the ending here, but fans of the Mortal Kombat franchise will surely recognize the character teased in the film’s final moments. So what does it all mean? Will Cole Young (Lewis Tan) return? Are there more kombats to be had?

Here’s what we know so far about a Mortal Kombat sequel.

Will there be a Mortal Kombat sequel? What do we know about Mortal Kombat 2?

There is no official word on a Mortal Kombat sequel yet. However, we do know that Warner Bros. had already laid the plans for more Mortal Kombat films—if and only if the first one is a success.

In an interview with Variety, actor Joe Taslim, who plays Bi-Han/Sub-Zero in the film, said that he was signed on for more Mortal Kombat movies if the franchise moves forward.

“Picture deals, options, of course—because we don’t if we’re going to have a sequel, fingers crossed we have a sequel… four,” Taslim said on the Just for Variety” podcast, when he was asked how many Mortal Kombat films he was signed on for. “I think four. Let’s see. If this one’s successful, maybe we do more.”

While it’s not official yet, that means you can potentially look forward to not just one Mortal Kombat sequel, but at least three Mortal Kombat sequels.

Meanwhile, Mortal Kombat director Simon McQuoid reportedly banned talking about a sequel on set. In an interview with CBR.com, he said,

I didn’t let anyone talk about sequels on-set and studio guys were the same, we were like, ‘Let’s just get one thing right; if we get this right, it’s not for us to decide, it’s the fans and audience that’ll tell us if they want another one. There’s a lot of treasure in that treasure trove of Mortal Kombat so there’s a lot to work with and I loved it. So yeah, I’d love to do it again but it’d need to be the right story and the right move, not just for the sake of it. It would really need to be going in the right direction but no reason why I wouldn’t. We don’t think about it that much, to be honest, I don’t really like talking about it; ask me in June or July and then we can talk.

It’s still hard to say how Mortal Kombat will do at the box office—more people may feel comfortable going to the movie theaters, as more people get vaccinated. But on the other hand, the film is streaming on HBO Max for anyone who wants to watch it at home.

We’ll just have to wait and see if audiences… Get over here.

Watch Mortal Kombat on HBO Max