Meghan McCain Slams Mask-Wearing Liberals On ‘The View,’ Plans to Have “Hot Vaxx Spring”

Get ready to see Meghan McCain out and about in the coming months — for The View co-host, the days of staying in are about to be a thing of the past. On this morning’s episode of the daytime talk show, McCain proclaimed that she’s ready for a “hot vaxx spring and summer” after getting two doses of the Moderna vaccine.

During a conversation about liberal reluctance to ease out of lockdown, McCain said she’s ready to use her freedom this summer and choose to travel, see friends and family, and get back to life as normal. And while she’s going to party like it’s 2019, McCain blasted Americans who aren’t ready to take off their masks just yet.

“Republicans are told trust the science, trust the science about things like climate change all the time,” McCain said. “But now liberals aren’t doing it when it comes to the Covid vaccine.” And according to McCain, one big culprit is the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Fauci. He’s said that he wouldn’t travel or eat at restaurants despite the fact that he has been fully vaccinated,” McCain said. “And the CDC guidance says that it is safe for vaccinated people that are taking precautions to eat in restaurants and to travel.”  

McCain blamed “intellectual spaghetti” for the nation’s split on mask wearing, pointing to the “knee-jerk reaction” to anything former president Donald Trump did while in office. Because Trump insisted “the world should be open,” the other side is “now embracing policies that aren’t science or evidence based,” McCain suggested. 

“If people want to live in their homes for forever and not go out and you want to wear a mask forever, that’s totally fine,” she said. “I will be living my life and going back to normal, and that is my choice and the greatest freedom of the country that we have.” 

McCain’s comments come after Dr. Fauci told Business Insider last month that he would not “go into an indoor, crowded place where people are not wearing masks,” even though he’s vaccinated. The doctor pointed to the “interesting crossroads” in the U.S., where people are getting vaccinated, but new cases are still popping up across the nation. Dr. Fauci urged Americans to be patient before jumping back to life as it used to be. “It’s kind of a race between the vaccine and the possibility that there’ll be another surge,” he said.

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC. Watch the full segment on Americans easing out of lockdown in the video above.

Where to watch The View