‘The Nevers’ Episode 5 Ending Explained: Is Maladie Dead or Alive?

The Nevers Episode 5 “Hanged” ended with a very public execution. Maladie (Amy Manson) was trotted out to be hung before a very rowdy crowd of Londoners as a thinly-veiled threat to the Touched at large. While Amalia True (Laura Donnelly) stuck to her original plan to use the spectacle as cover for her mission to find the Galanthi, Penance Adair (Ann Skelly) is set on stopping Maladie’s death. It’s not that she sympathizes with the scourge of London, but realizes, thanks to a searing op-ed, that such a public execution will only inflame the growing tensions between the Touched and normies.

However, it all seemingly goes awry. Maladie decides to giddily leap to her own death, using her own execution as staging for one final murderous spectacle. Maladie’s henchmen has been put in place to electrify the crowd and set off a chaotic stampede. While Penance is able to tip Mundi (Ben Chaplin) off in time to save some folks, not everyone escapes Maladie’s twisted plan. Or the shocking reveal that Maladie wasn’t the person who was hung at all…

The Nevers Episode 5 “Hanged” ends with the revelation that Mundi may have not captured Maladie after all, but her sycophantic follower. Maladie herself was masquerading as the journalist Effie Boyle the whole time! But how did this switch take place? Is Maladie really alive or dead? And what does this mean going into The Nevers Part 1 finale next week?

Here’s what you need to know about that crazy Maladie twist in The Nevers Episode 5.

Amy Manson as Maladie in The Nevers
Photo: HBO

Did Maladie Die in The Nevers Episode 5 on HBO?

Nope! While it at first seems like Maladie happily leapt to her own death during her public execution — rendering Penance’s plan to save her totally moot — Inspector Mundi later realizes that the body that died was not Maladie. When the corpse’s boot falls to the ground, “Maladie” is missing toes. You know, like the creepy girl who sycophantically followed Maladie around.

Mundi finally pieces it together that Maladie didn’t die…but journalist Effie Boyle did…

How Did Maladie Turn Into Effie Boyle on The Nevers?

As early as The Nevers Episode 1, Inspector Mundi has been confounded by a death that appears to be a Maladie murder, but something’s off. Well, it turns out it was Maladie’s doing, but maybe purposely meant to be a little on the erratic side to hide what was really going on.

Maladie killed the journalist Effie Boyle all so she could hatch a plan wherein she’d arrange her own capture. However, during the chase, she switched places with her local follower, dressed and made up to look like Maladie. The Maladie kept in prison and taken to the gallows was not the real Maladie.

The real Maladie put on a wig and false teeth and assumed the identity of Effie Boyle…going so far as to pen the op-eds condemning her own execution and begging for an interview with…herself.

It’s a wild plan that not only worked but keeps Maladie in play for future madness.

It’s maybe also worth noting that Maladie wound up saving Harriet (Kiran Sonia Sawar) from being trampled to death? So maybe there’s a future where Maladie teams up with the other Touched? Or at least isn’t wholly at odds with them?

Amalia and Penance in The Nevers
Photo: HBO

What Happened to Amalia’s Mission with the Galanthi in The Nevers Episode 5?

We don’t know — yet.

The Nevers Episode 5 features a tense argument between Amalia True and Penance Adair that tears the fighters of the Orphanage apart. Bonfire Annie, Augie, and Dr. Horatio Cousins all agree to join Amalia on her mysterious mission to uncover where the Galanthi is hidden. However the show only follows Penance and her band of “opposed to the death penalty” Touched. While Penance’s mission goes awry, all we know about how Amalia’s team fared is they all made it back alive. Though, they are hurt and looking worse for wear.

So what happened to Amalia and her team? You’ll have to wait until next week’s Part 1 finale, The Nevers Episode 6 “True” premieres on HBO.

Note for fans: Our coverage for The Nevers Part 1 finale will not go live until Monday, May 17 at 1 AM ET, so as not to spoil West Coast viewers. Next week’s all-new episode of The Nevers is…that wild.

Where to stream The Nevers