Sharon Stone Says She Can’t Stop the XXX ‘Basic Instinct’ Release

Sharon Stone says a new, racier version of Basic Instinct is being released without her permission. The star of the 1992 erotic thriller claimed in an interview with the Australian series A Current Affair that “they’ve decided to release the director’s XXX cut for the 30th anniversary,” per The Independent.

Stone, whose role in the hit movie catapulted her to a new level of stardom, has always maintained that she was tricked into revealing her bare crotch on camera during the film’s most infamous scene, during which she crosses and uncrosses her legs during a police questioning. When she saw the revealing scene in a preview, she slapped director Paul Verhoeven. “It was me and my parts up there,” Stone wrote in her memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice. “I went to the projection booth, slapped Paul across the face, left, went to my car, and called my lawyer.”

She added, “That was how I saw my vagina-shot for the first time, long after I’d been told, ‘We can’t see anything — I just need you to remove your panties, as the white is reflecting the light, so we know you have panties on.'”

Now, Stone says she’s unable to stop the release of a new, restored cut of Basic Instinct. She told A Current Affair host Tracy Grimshaw, “There are new [Screen Actors Guild] rules about that that have been made and created, but they were made after I, as a young lady, made this film, and so they don’t apply to me.”

Stone added, “I think that there’s a certain tone-deaf-ness when it comes to this type of behavior. People want to just continue to push forward, and ignore the thoughts and feelings of how women in general feel about this, or people in general feel about it. No one asked me how I feel about it. I can tell you that.”

When asked if she regrets filming the interrogation scene, Stone replied, “Regrets are like farts: You can’t get them back. Once they’re out, they’re stinky and gone.”

Verhoeven has insisted that Stone knew about the scene, telling Icon in 2017 that Stone was “lying” about being tricked into onscreen nudity. “Any actress knows what she’s going to see if you ask her to take off her underwear and point there with the camera,” he said.

The restored version of Basic Instinct is set to premiere theatrically in France June 16, and will land in theaters in Australia and New Zealand on June 17, followed by a U.S. release, Variety reports.

Where to watch Basic Instinct