John Oliver Blasts Marvel, Argues Frosted Flakes Commercial Is “More Richly Detailed” Than MCU

John Oliver has used his late night show to investigate everything from net neutrality to gun laws over the years, but in this week’s web exclusive for Last Week Tonight, the host chose a less serious topic: cereal. Oliver made an impassioned case for new cereal, lamenting the same old boring, dry options that have been stocked on grocery store shelves for years.

While making the case that “there simply aren’t enough cereals” out there today, Oliver argued that “In the last 10 years, there has been exactly one good cereal commercial, and it’s this one, which is 30 seconds of sheer perfection,” before airing a Frosted Flakes ad featuring Shaquille O’Neal and Tony the Tiger.

“Excellent. That is, start to finish, a perfect cereal commercial,” Oliver said, per HuffPost. “In just half a minute, it establishes a world in which Tony the Tiger exists, has a handsomely decorated home office, including a custom Tony nameplate, apparently video chats Shaquille O’Neal every single morning for breakfast and that they love each other.”

He even managed to slip in a dig at Marvel, adding, “That is a more richly detailed cinematic universe than what Marvel has made in 13 fucking years.”

Oliver went on to propose some solutions to the nation’s pressing cereal problem, including his own wild suggestions for new varieties. “Make Gushers a cereal,” he said, before sharing more cereal ideas, like “tiny little men and marshmallow dogs,” “nighttime cereal,” or “a mystery box cereal.” He even pitched some especially niche flavors, like “a cereal for goth kids” or a flavor for “soft, sad sixth-graders who feel lonely even when they’re surrounded by people.”

In one final effort to shake up the cereal industry, Oliver even offered up his own show’s mascots to any cereal company that wants to use them for a new, “fresh and provocative” product. Mr. Nutterbutter cereal, anyone?

Last Week Tonight airs Sundays at 11/10c on HBO. Watch Oliver’s full cereal segment in the video above.

Where to watch Last Week Tonight With John Oliver