Kelly Osbourne Says Her Battle With Addiction Is “Never, Ever Gonna Get Easy” In Red Table Talk Interview

Kelly Osbourne opened up about her struggles with addiction on the latest episode of Red Table Talk. The British TV personality, also the daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, described a recent relapse after four years of sobriety on today’s episode. After Jada Pinkett Smith began by asking Osbourne to walk the group through what happened, the star described the first moments of her relapse.

“I was alone, sitting by a pool and waiting for somebody to come have a meeting with me, and I saw this woman and her husband had a glass of champagne, and it looked really nice, and I was like, ‘Oh, I can do that too,'” Osbourne said. “And then the next day, I had two glasses. And then the day after that, it was bottles.”

Osbourne noted that she had made it all the way through the pandemic without relapsing, but said she “couldn’t hold it back” once she started drinking again.

“For the first two days, I could handle just having one drink but it was because I sat there and I was like, ‘You’re only having one drink, and you’re gonna prove to everyone that you’re normal now and you can do this,'” Osbourne continued. “And all of a sudden, everything was falling apart.”

“Gammy” Adrienne Banfield questioned the Red Table guest about when she came to realize the relapse was in full swing, and Osbourne said she was at her boyfriend’s (Erik Bragg) house. One look was all it took — Osbourne “felt” the way he saw her and said she never wanted him “to look at [her] like that again.”

“Like it was embarrassing, because for the first time ever I actually care how he feels, and I care how my behavior impacts him,” she said. “I only want to be the best version of myself with my family and my boyfriend and my friends, and I was not. I was the furthest thing away from that. And it happened like that — [snaps].”

Osbourne has struggled with other addictions in the past, noting her struggle with Vicodin after tonsil surgery at just 13. The star moved from Vicodin to Percocet, and eventually onto heroin before her mother caught her and put her in rehab. Still, Osbourne says her “drug of choice is alcohol.”

“I want to be numb to everything,” Osbourne said of her alcohol addiction. “And at first, I was like, ‘Oh, I’m fixed because I don’t actually want to be numb right now. I just want to celebrate ‘cause I’m doing amazing. I can drink like a normal person. I have an amazing boyfriend. I made it through the pandemic. I think I’m fixed.'”

Jada also asked Osbourne about her goals in life, asking her if there were any parts of the addiction that “might’ve robbed [her] of life experiences in any way.”

“Yes, I feel very behind. As a woman, I would’ve loved to be married and have children by now,” Osbourne said. “I would’ve been no kind of mother at all ‘cause I was like that crazy addict that was like, ‘Oh, yeah, I’ll just stop doing drugs when I get pregnant, ’cause I’ll have to.'”

Although Osbourne wishes she was married with children, she still has family with which to bond over recovery. Ozzy Osbourne has struggled with alcoholism in the past, and Jack Osbourne, Kelly’s brother, is also in recovery. But when Osbourne announced her relapse on Instagram back in April, she hadn’t even told her family yet.

“I just did it, and then I got all the phone calls, because I knew that if I didn’t, I could’ve flown under the radar for a long time like that, and no one would’ve known,” Osbourne explained, “and I just would’ve spent the last four years building a life that I just destroyed in one drink.”

As Osbourne stated in her Instagram video, she’s “back on track” on her road to recovery.

“It’s never, ever gonna get easy,” Osbourne said “I have to hold myself accountable for every single thing I do, and I think that’s why it was so important to me that I just came right out and said it.”

Kelly Osbourne’s Red Table Talk interview is available to stream on Facebook Watch.

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