Meghan McCain Slams Trump’s “Disheveled” Appearance at Republican Event on ‘The View’: “A Crazy Ex-Mad King”

After former president Donald Trump sparked rumors he attended a rally wearing backward pants this past weekend, the co-hosts of The View are on the case. During this morning’s show, the panelists broke down Trump’s appearance at the North Carolina Republican Party’s state convention, where people were more focused on what he was wearing than the words he was saying.

Meghan McCain ripped Trump’s look, explaining that “ex-presidents have to present themselves in a way where they’re going to be taken seriously.” Otherwise, she argued, “you can kind of look like a crazy, ex-mad king.” Comparing his look to “a wedding singer at Mar-a-Lago,” the conservative co-host plainly stated that Trump appeared “really disheveled.” She added, “He doesn’t look good.”

Despite being a proud and vocal Republican, McCain has been outspoken with her criticism of Trump over the years. And while she admitted on today’s show that she’s “not one of these people … where I’m always just like dunking on [Trump],” she was ready to dish out the critiques this morning. “If he’s really looking to lead the party, this is not the way he should present himself for a lot of different reasons,” McCain said.

When it was time for Joy Behar‘s thoughts, the co-host offered some unfiltered opinions. Proclaiming that Trump’s pants “make him look crazy,” Behar added that while President Biden “is riding his bike and leading a country quite well,” Trump “is running around with pants that look like he pooped in them or something,” a statement that elicited a gasp from McCain.

“Oh my God,” McCain interjected, explaining, “It’s just that we had a conversation with standards before that we weren’t supposed to say that, that’s why I said ‘Oh my God.’ Sorry. His pants look weird, but we weren’t supposed to say that.” Behar, who claimed she “did not have that conversation with standards,” brushed off McCain’s comment and carried on with her criticism. 

“Anyway, the point is that the guy stole so much money from his constituents when he continues to say that he won the election. He has nobody he can go to for some cash to get some better pants?” she asked. “And where’s Melania? She’s not ironing them anymore? I mean, come on. Are they on backwards? Where’s the fly? I don’t understand those pants,” Behar continued, as McCain cracked up at her co-host’s comments.

While there was plenty of speculation as to what exactly was going on with those strange pants, thankfully Sunny Hostin was around to clear the air. As she helpfully pointed out, fact-checking website Snopes “declared Trump did not, in fact, wear his pants backwards.” Case closed!

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

Where to watch The View