Caitlyn Jenner and Joy Behar Argument Cut Short by Whoopi Goldberg on ‘The View’

While Caitlyn Jenner discussed her current campaign to unseat California’s governor on The View this morning, the conversation got heated between co-host Joy Behar and the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star. The squabble began after Behar asked Jenner if she was “one of those Republicans” who thought Trump won the election.

“You say that you’re a Republican,” Behar began “and I’m just wondering because a lot of Republicans in this country believe that Donald Trump won the election and not Joe Biden. Are you one of those people?”

Jenner refused to answer, pivoting to discuss Trump’s legacy and effect on her own campaign.

“I’m not going to get into that,” Jenner said. “That election is over with. I think Donald Trump did do some good things. What I liked about Donald Trump is he was a disruptor.”

A longtime Republican, Jenner once supported Trump’s presidency — but revoked her support in 2018 over his stance on transgender rights issues. As she entered the race for California governor, Jenner faced backlash for saying she “didn’t even vote” in the 2020 election. After the ladies of The View had questioned Jenner on not voting, Behar persisted in asking Jenner about her stance on the results 2020 election.

“But did he win?” Behar shouted over Jenner, demanding an answer. “Did he win the election?”

The former Olympian’s campaign team is reported to be full of Trump loyalists, including folks who were at the January 2021 insurrection on the Capitol and Brad Parscale, Trump’s former campaign manager.

“He was a disruptor when he was president,” Jenner continued, ignoring Behar’s questions. “I want to do the same thing. I want to go in and be a thoughtful disruptor in Sacramento. We need to change the system, and I’m going to change the system for the positive. I’m in it for the people.”

Behar chuckled at Jenner’s statement that she wanted to do “the same thing” as Trump, and attempted to cut in for one last question about trans rights. Host Whoopi Goldberg cut in, ready to send the segment to commercial break.

“Okay, I have to cut you off because we’re getting ready to go,” Goldberg said, and Behar stopped her next question before the show went to commercial.

Behar and Jenner have an already tense relationship due to past comments made on The View. Earlier this year, Behar misgendered Jenner on the talk show while discussing her run for governor, calling Jenner by masculine pronouns while bashing Jenner’s campaign team.

“So first of all let me apologize for my pronoun mixup,” Behar said the next day on the series. “I think I just didn’t get enough sleep last night. I had no intention of mixing them up, and I tried to correct it immediately, but whatever, it just came out. So I’m sorry if anybody was upset by that.”

Before bidding farewell to the co-hosts, Jenner did say she wants to “come back and spend more time” with the hosts, ending her visit on a good note with the ladies of The View.