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‘Loki’ Easter Eggs: 5 Things You May Have Missed in Episode 3

Just when you think you know where Loki’s going, the show jumps into a portal and lands smack dab in the middle of a planetary cataclysm. That’s exactly what happened in Episode 3, a riveting installment titled “Lamentis.” After coming face to face with a Loki that doesn’t share his face, Loki spent this week getting to know his variant and fleeing from absolute annihilation. This episode gave us quite a bit of insight into Sophia Di Martino’s surprise villain (or is she an anti-hero?), and it confirmed that Loki himself is the first queer lead character in all of the MCU. We also learned that all Asgardians have a lot to learn about respecting members of the waitstaff.

There was a lot going on in this episode, so it’s understandable if you didn’t catch all of the references and potential foreshadowing (#QuasarWatch). Before you hit replay on “Lamentis,” here are five things you may have missed that you should keep an eye out for during your rewatch.



Photo: Disney+

To make a quick getaway from Ravonna, Loki snatches the TemPad and hits some buttons. This drops them into one of the many apocalypses scattered across space and time that Sylvie’s spent the last forever hiding in—and it’s the worst one possible. The majority of the episode takes place on Lamentis-1, an inhabited moon that’s about to be completely obliterated by an incoming planet. In the comics, Lamentis is the name of a remote planet that falls far out of the jurisdiction of any outer-space superheroes—until Quasar and Moondragon arrive!

The planet’s only appeared once in the comics, in 2007’s Annihilation: Conquest Prologue #1, written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning with art by Mike Perkins and colors by Guru-eFX. The colors are of particular note because they had a major, major influence on this episode’s look.

Moondragon and Phyla-Vell/Quasar on Lamentis
Annihilation: Conquest Prologue #1 (2007) by Guru-eFX (colors), Mike Perkins (artist), Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (writers), Cory Petit (letterer)Photo: Marvel Comics

I also have to point out that this is the issue in which Phyla-Vell, the genetically-something-or-other’d “daughter” of the original Kree Captain Marvel, assumes the mantle of Quasar. The issue co-stars her partner, Moondragon. Back in 2007, Quasar and Moondragon were probably the most prominent queer couple in Marvel Comics (aside from Wiccan and Hulkling). For context, as these two are comparatively deep cut Marvel characters, Phyla-Vell is the daughter of the character played by Annette Bening in Captain Marvel, and Moondragon is the daughter of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. In the comics, both Phyla-Vell and Moondragon served on the Guardians for a while so… fingers crossed they’re in GOTG v3.

I do want to enact a QUASAR WATCH, though, because this is the second episode in a row that includes an unexpected reference to the hero—or, rather, the two heroes that have gone by the name Quasar. Is… Loki setting up the introduction of Wendell Vaughn or Phyla-Vell into the MCU…?



Photo: Disney+

If you were reading Marvel comics back from 2013 to 2015, then the sight of an oncoming planet entering another planet’s atmosphere probably looked super familiar. That’s because those very events, dubbed “incursions,” became an increasingly bigger and bigger deal culminating in the entire Secret Wars event series. In the comics, those Earths were inhabited by alternate universe Earths (y’know, part of the multiverse that the TVA is trying to prevent from existing). Every time an alternate Earth threatened to destroy the main Marvel Earth, a group called the Illuminati consisting of all the A-list brains and powerhouses of the Marvel Universe, were called upon to destroy those worlds before collision. It was every bit the moral quandary and quagmire you’re imagining.

That’s not so much the case in this Loki episode. As far as we know, this is a one-off cataclysm that befalls Lamentis and no other planet. But still, the visual is pulled from the comics.


Sylvie the Enchantress

Photo: Disney+

As we clocked in the credits of her debut last week, Sophia Di Martino is indeed playing a Loki variant who goes by the name Sylvie. This name is significant because it’s the alter ego of the second character to go by the name Enchantress in the comics. This connection is solidified by Loki and Sylvie tossing around the verb “enchant” a bunch in this episode. That’s what Sylvie does. She’s an enchantress. And because of that, it also seems like Sylvie is the MCU’s Enchantress. This is a big deal because, up until now, the Enchantress was the most prominent Thor villain to remain unused in the MCU. Here she is, on screen, albeit in an unexpected fashion as Enchantress was not a Loki variant in the comics.


Hudson and Hicks

Photo: Disney+

Well, this is a fun one! The two soldiers tasked with taking tickets on the last train out of doomsday are, as revealed in the episode’s credits, named Corporal Hicks (Jon Collin Barclay) and Private Hudson (Ben VanderMey). Those ranks and surnames come straight from the movie Aliens; Michael Biehn played Hicks and Bill Paxton played Hudson.



Photos: Disney+

Hey, it’s another fun one! After getting totally hammered and leading all the wealthy escapees in an Asgardian folksong singalong, Loki smashes his empty glass and shouts, “Another!” As we learned way back in 2010’s Thor, this is how Asgardians request a refill. Thor did the exact same thing in that tiny diner, smashing a mug to ask for more coffee. Restaurants in Asgard must’ve been like those folksy country restaurants that let you throw peanut shells on the floor, except instead of cracked shells it’s all broken glass.

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