Melissa Coates Dies: WWE’s “Super Genie” and Manager of Sabu was 50

Melissa Coates, also known as “Super Genie” during her time in ECW and WWE, has died. The former bodybuilder, actress, wrestler, and manager of ECW legend Sabu died earlier this week. No cause of death has yet been given for the star. She was 50.

The news comes just months after Coates had a life-saving leg amputation. A friend of Coates penned a Facebook post on Wednesday (June 23), notifying the world of her passing.

“This may be the hardest post I have ever made,” the post read. “Just got word from Terry ‘Sabu’ Brunk that Super Genie Melissa Coates has passed away this afternoon. I also have spoken to her brother, JR Coates, and niece, Cassi. They told me to post this sad news. Sabu will not be taking calls and please respect their privacy at this time. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.”

Coates began her career in the sports industry in tennis, weightlifting as a practice to compete in tennis matches. She played until the early 1990s, when she began to shift her attention to bodybuilding. By 1995, Coates was granted professional status, going on to win the Jan Tana Classic in 1996.

In the wrestling world, she’s best known as Super Genie in WWE and her role as Sabu’s valet and manager. Tributes to Coates have started pouring in from around the wrestling world, with Sabu even retweeting a post from pro-wrestler Velvet Sky. “Just heard of the passing of my long time friend @RealMelisCoates,” she wrote. “1 of the kindest,most genuinely nice people I’ve ever met.She loved wrestling SO much & was trying to raise enough $ for a prosthetic to get back in the ring.”

In October 2020, Coates began experiencing pain in her left leg. Upon further examination, it was found she had blood clots blocking her arteries. Doctors had to amputate her leg, and a GoFundMe page was set up to raise money for her surgery.