All ‘Loki’ Variants Explained: Every God of Mischief We’ve Met on Disney+

We always knew that Disney+‘s Loki would put the god of mischief front and center, but we didn’t realize we would be getting so many Lokis in one show. The series has introduced us to a variety of Loki Variants, cosmic mistakes that the TVA (or Time Variance Authority) deem it necessary to prune from the Sacred Timeline. So far, we’ve met our hero Variant, played by Tom Hiddleston, Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), a quartet of new Lokis introduced in the Episode 4 mid-credits scene, and glimpses of even more Loki Variants. We are, at this point, drowning in Lokis. And that seems to be the point of Loki on Disney+…

Since it premiered earlier this month, Loki has been exploring he titular Asgardian by looking at all the lives he could have led outside of the MCU. When Loki is picked up by the TVA, he learns, much to his horror, that he is a Variant. That is, he is a version of Loki who should not exist. The TVA makes it their mission to prune Variants from the Sacred Timeline in order to prevent another mulitversal war. And it seems they’ve had to handle a lot of Loki Variants over the eons. In Loki alone, we’ve met eleven Loki Variants so far, and the first season isn’t even over yet!

So how many Loki Variants are there anyway? Who are all the Loki Varients Loki has introduced so far? Here’s every Variant introduced in Loki explained, from Sylvie to Kid Loki and everyone in between…

Loki in Thor: Ragnarok
Photo: Everett Collection

Loki Prime: The Loki of the MCU, aka Sacred Timeline Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston
When Did We First Meet Them?: In the movie Thor, where we see Loki’s villain origin story. After that, Loki appears in a variety of MCU flicks from the original Avengers to Thor: Ragnarok.
Status of this Loki Variant: Well, technically he is not a Variant, but that doesn’t matter. This version of Loki dies in Avengers: Infinity War when he tries to stand up to Thanos (Josh Brolin) and fails. Nevertheless this is the Loki the TVA’s leaders want to see preserved on the Sacred Timeline.

Loki in Episode 1
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #1: The Disney+ Show Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston
When Did We First Meet Them?: We first meet this Variant of Loki in Avengers: Endgame. He creates a Nexus Event by stealing back the Tesseract after being apprehended by the Avengers in 2012. He absconds with the Infinity Stone, only to be captured by the TVA in Loki Episode 1 on Disney+.
Status of this Loki Variant: In Loki Episode 4, this Loki Variant is pruned by Judge Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw). A mid-credits scene reveals that pruned Variants aren’t wholly destroyed by sent to a hellscape garbage world. This Loki is also important because he seems to have broken a major Loki rule by falling in love with another Variant, thus creating a powerful Nexus Event.

Loki looking at blue Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #2 (or TVA Variant #L6792): Blue Frostgiant Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston
When Did We First Meet Them?: In Loki Episode 2 Agent Mobius debriefs our Loki Variant and the TVA team on Loki Variants as a concept. He uses his TemPad to create a slide show of various Loki Variants starting with one who looks a lot like Tom Hiddleston’s traditional Loki, but with the blue skin of the Frostgiants. The implication is this Loki was either raised by his birth family or embraces his Frostgiant background over Asgard.
Status of this Loki Variant: Pruned

Loki looking at cyclist Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #3 (or TVA Variant #L1247): Tour de France Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston
When Did We First Meet Them?: He is the second of the Lokis Agent Mobius shows us in Loki Episode 2. This version appears to be human (or Asgardian) and clad in professional cycling gear. He is clearly a champion, as evidenced by his trophy.
Status of this Loki Variant: Pruned

Loki looking at Hulk Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #4 (or TVA Variant #L6792): Hulk Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston
When Did We First Meet Them?: He is the third Variant that Mobius shows us in Loki Episode 2. This version of Loki seems to have the torn clothes and hulking physique of Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) in Hulk mode. However it could just be that he’s super big. I just think “Hulk Loki” sounds fun!
Status of this Loki Variant: Pruned

Loki looking at partyLoki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #5 (or TVA Variant #L8914): Party Time Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston (we think)
When Did We First Meet Them?: Meet the latest in a conveyor belt of old Loki Variants introduced in Episode 2. I’m calling this one Party Time Loki because he’s giving off big Mardi Gras vibes.
Status of this Loki Variant: Pruned

Loki looking at Viking Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #6 (or TVA Variant #L7803): Viking Warrior Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Tom Hiddleston
When Did We First Meet Them?: He is the last of the Loki Variants that Mobius shows off in Loki Episode 2 and he looks the meanest. This one looks plucked from a Viking raiding party.
Status of this Loki Variant: Pruned

Sylvie in Loki Episode 4
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #7: Sylvie, aka Lady Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Sophia Di Martino
When Did We First Meet Them?: We first meet Sylvie at the end of Loki Episode 2 when our Loki corners her in a Roxxcart superstore on the verge of total obliteration. In Loki Episode 3, we spend some quality time getting to know Sylvie on doomed world Lamentis-1. In Loki Episode 4, we finally understand her backstory. As a little girl, she was kidnapped from Asgard by the TVA and spent her life on the run. Her mission in life is to destroy the TVA.
Status of this Loki Variant: Alive and reeling from the revelation that the Time Keepers are not real.

cailey fleming as young sylvie on loki
Photo: Disney+

Loki Variant #7.5: Kid Sylvie

Who Plays This Loki?: Cailey Fleming
When Did We First Meet Them?: Loki Episode 4 opens with a flashback where we see little girl Sylvie playing on Asgard. She is kidnapped by a young Ravonna Renslayer, known then as Hunter A-23, and brought against her will to the TVA. If you thought adult male Loki was thrown by the horrors of the TVA, imagine how it traumatized little Sylvie, who is just a kid!
Status of this Loki Variant: Technically she isn’t an additional Variant. She is just the younger version of Sylvie. So she is Sophia Di Martino’s character now.

Richard E. Grant Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #8: Classic Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Richard E. Grant
When Did We First Meet Them?: Introducing himself and his Loki Variant buddies to our main dude in the mid-credits scene at the end of Loki Episode 4. This Classic Loki is so-named because he dons the original Jack Kirby look from the comics.
Status of this Loki Variant: Alive and looking to make an alliance.

Boastful Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #9: Boastful Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Deobia Oparei
When Did We First Meet Them?: This “Boastful Loki” shows up alongside Richard E. Grant’s Classic Loki in the Episode 4 mid-credits scene. We still don’t know yet why he is so boastful, but we think it might have something to do with that Mjolnir-like hammer he’s sporting.
Status of this Loki Variant: Alive and looking to form aforementioned alliance.

Kid Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #10: Kid Loki

Who Plays This Loki?: Jack Veal
When Did We First Meet Them?: Again, he is one of the Loki Variants who greets our Loki in the Episode 4 mid-credits scene. Kid Loki is another Variant from the comics, but it’s unclear how closely his personality will align with that lovable scamp’s.
Status of this Loki Variant: Alive and…you get it.

Croc Loki Variant
Photo: Disney+/Marvel

Loki Variant #11: Croc Loki (or Alligator Loki)(or Lizard Loki??)

Who Plays This Loki?: Unknown Animal Actor
When Did We First Meet Them?: Crocodile Loki is seen being cradled in Kid Loki’s lap in the Episode 4 mid-credits scene. Honestly? I’m most intrigued by him. I want to learn more. I want him to lead us into the MCU’s Phase 4.
Status of this Loki Variant: Just chilling like a villain…

Where to stream Loki