Meghan McCain Slams Dems for Praising Socialism on ‘The View’: “Dangerous” and “Asininely Stupid”

Meghan McCain may be leaving The View in a matter of weeks, but she’s not going out quietly. The conservative co-host ripped the Democratic party on this morning’s show, slamming people like Sen. Bernie Sanders for his praise of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro. During a conversation about Cuba’s unprecedented protests, McCain looked to political “ramifications” in the U.S., accusing Democrats of using “dangerous” and “stupid” dialogue around socialism.

“I honestly see this as political in our country as well,” McCain began. “When you have people like Bernie Sanders who have praised Fidel Castro and said that it was ‘unfair to condemn a communist regime,’ I will be interested to see what the reaction will be like in this country.”

Citing statistics, McCain added that a large section of the Democratic party has been vocal about their support of socialism. “We have a party where in the Democratic Party, white liberal dems define their party 44% to 36% as supporting socialism over capitalism, while Hispanic Americans in this country support capitalism 47% to 28%,” she said, pointing to the shift in Hispanic voters supporting former President Donald Trump during the 2020 election.

McCain placed the blame on Democratic politicians like Sanders, telling her co-hosts, “Part of this is because when you have a party like the Democratic party who has people like Bernie Sanders leading it and a faction of the party praising people like Fidel Castro, Hispanic Americans and Cuban Americans a lot of times have fled regimes like that and don’t want it to come here.” She added, “So it will be interesting to see if Cubans right now end up being successful in getting freedom, what the ramifications will be politically in this country.”

McCain ended her commentary with a final critique, slamming anyone who praises socialism in the U.S. “It’s always why I think even a kernel of talking about socialism or communism in any way in a positive place in the United States of America is not only dangerous but is just asininely stupid. And I think we’re seeing in real time the ramifications of that.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC. Watch McCain’s full commentary on Cuba from this morning’s show in the video above.

Where to watch The View