‘The View’: Meghan McCain Calls Out AOC, Dr. Fauci for Unvaccinated Populations in New York

As vaccination rates in the U.S. remain largely the same while the Delta variant surges, Meghan McCain defended her political party on this morning’s episode of The View, insisting Republicans are not solely to blame for the continued spread of coronavirus in unvaccinated populations. During a discussion about mask mandates in schools, McCain called out both Dr. Anthony Fauci and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not doing enough to encourage vaccinations.

A professed “angry” McCain said she’d done “every single thing” she’d been asked to stay safe and keep others safe during the pandemic, but claimed there’s a “narrative coming out of the White House that it’s just Republicans” who won’t get vaccinated or wear masks.

Citing a statistic that one third of hospital workers in New York state remain unvaccinated, McCain said, “If you’re a hospital worker in New York — one of the most liberal states in the country — and you’re not listening to science but you’ve gone into a field of science, what is not being processed here?”

The conservative co-host admitted she’s not normally supportive of vaccine mandates, but suggested hospital workers should be required to get the vaccine. “Why are so many people in so many places still unvaccinated and vaccine hesitant?” she asked, before directly calling out the nation’s top infectious disease specialist. “I’m sorry Dr. Fauci, but if you can’t get your hospital workers in New York in line, how are we supposed to do it in any other demographic in the country?”

Later in the episode, McCain went after another target, partly blaming AOC for her district’s low vaccination rate in the Bronx, which according to CovidActNow.org is currently 49%. “Why are citizens of the Bronx not getting vaccinated?” she asked.

McCain continued, “I don’t know enough about politics in New York City, but I know that AOC’s district is in the Bronx. If that’s her district, what are you not conveying, as well? If you have a problem in your district, then I don’t understand why this has to be so much about Fox News, because it’s not. This is a problem for our country and I’m petrified right now.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

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